Panama Bound

Sailing Hardcore – Life in ROUGH SEAS! (Pacific Crossing Part 2 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 417

We’re back with part 2 of our 3,000 nautical mile trip across the Pacific Ocean. We bash our way through one of the roughest nights we’ve had in YEARS as we round the turbulent stretch of ocean surrounding Cabo San Lucas. Sleep is out of the question, and the simplest of tasks require monumental effort. But as we make more miles out into the open ocean away from the compression zone, things start to settle, and by day 4 the wind clocks all the way around and we’re able to set up the poles and get ready for some glorious downwind bliss. The worst of it was behind us (at least for now) and we could kick back and the let the breeze at our backs push us along for days and days and days. I think this episode really captures some of the realities of sailing…the ups and downs in moods and energies. How every aspect of daily life on passage is so drastically affected by the weather and conditions. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into what life is really like on passage for us.


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Sailing Across The Pacific! 4 Semi-adults, 1 Toddler, and 3,000 NM (Part 1 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 416

Let’s GOOOOO!!!!! We are so stoked and proud to present part 1 of our Pacific crossing series.

Even after all the years and all the miles, crossing the Pacific is such a HUGE milestone. It had been years since we did a big ocean passage…Delos crossed the Atlantic without us while we were in Sweden welcoming Sierra into the world, but our last big sail was Africa to Brazil, which feels like a life time ago! We had forgotten what it felt like to spend weeks at sea, to lose sight of land, familiarity, and civilization…To lose track of time and daily obligations in such a monumental way, and become hyper focused on the present and living in such a beautiful and simple routine.

After months of preparation, we finally pull the hook and depart on our journey of nearly 3,000 nautical miles across the world’s largest ocean. Within just 4 miles of leaving we face our first curveball of the trip as our normally trusty engine starts playing tricks on us. But Delos is a sailboat, and that’s what we were gonna do! So we press onwards and meet some pretty epic conditions, catch a monster fish, mingle with some curious dolphins, and soak up our last sight of land for weeks.

We hope you enjoy coming along on this big adventure with us.


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website – Behind the scenes – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

1 MONTH OFF-GRID…Are we ready to CROSS THE PACIFIC OCEAN?!⛵️ Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 415

We’re about to wave goodbye to land & civilization for up to a MONTH…Are we really ready for this?! We’ve got a to-do list that just won’t quit, so it’s all hands on deck as we make the final push towards departure day. This is our last episode before we embark on our Pacific Crossing, and it’s a super fun one! We welcome our last but not least addition to the crew, Conor, who many of you might recognize from our COVID lockdown crew in the Bahamas, and he also joined us onboard Delos when we transited the Panama Canal. Both Conor and Hannah bring SO MUCH stoke and good vibes to the team, and we were all absolutely buzzing as we ticked off all our final tasks and got closer and closer to setting off into the deep blue.

Also for those of you that have been following along at the edge of your seats, we finally present our conclusion to the ongoing transmission saga, and we are happy to report that after installing the “new new” one, it’s been running without any issues which has been such a relief (although we did run into a slew of engine problems that were completely unrelated, more on that come 😂 )

We just celebrated the 13th birthday of our YouTube channel! To celebrate, we’re offering the Delos Tribe 13% off EVERYTHING in our online store…We got tees, tanks, flags, beanies, hoodies, rash guards, and more! Head over to and use the code “bday13” during checkout to get your discount 🙂



Check out our brand spankin’ new amazon storefront with all our must have cruising gear, tools, camera equipment, recommended reading, stuff for sailing families, and more:


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Crossing the World’s LARGEST OCEAN…What It Takes To Be Ready: Part 1⛵️ Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 414

Today’s video is part 1 of 2 as we document the process of preparing Delos and us for our Pacific Crossing. Stoke levels were ridiculous on board as the reality of the undertaking ahead of us began to sank in. We arrive to La Paz and immediately dive in to our never ending list of boat jobs like provisioning all the dry goods, trying to get to the bottom of our faulty transmission (this saga will continue into next week’s episode 😂), taking down our beloved dome, and going through and checking everything in our ditch kit to make sure we have everything we need in case of an emergency. And speaking of our ditch kit, we’ve always had a downloadable PDF on our website of everything we keep in our ditch kit, but we’ve gone one step further and we made an Amazon Storefront where you can see everything listed in one page and order straight from there. We’ve also got other categories of things like camera gear that we use, essential tools, our favorite cruising gear, galley gadgets, stuff for kiddos and more. You can check it out at


It’s been so great to relive the excitement that we felt before the crossing. The only longer passage we’ve done since having Sierra was from Mexico to Panama, so we had so many emotions running through us as we prepared to spend 3 weeks at sea. We hope you enjoy sharing in the excitement with us as we get closer and closer to departure day!


Download our provisioning list, ditch kit list, and marine distress communication form:


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website – Behind the scenes – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

REUNITED! These Brothers Sailed Around The World For 10 YEARS Together! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 413

The Band is BACK TOGETHER! Just in case some of you are newer followers and haven’t watched our earlier videos, long before little Sierra was running around the boat, and even before I laid eyes on my beautiful Swedish princess Kazza for the first time, my brother Brady was a part of the Delos story. We had a run of about 10 years living, traveling, working, drinking, and running amok together on the high seas. From crashing weddings in India, diving with sharks in the most remote corners of the ocean, equator crossing ceremonies on multiple occasions, an unspeakable amount of all nighters, and literally thousands of other memories and moments together (too many of which are not appropriate to share 😂 ) we truly shared more than most brothers could ever dream of…Brady was even the officiant at me and Kazza’s wedding.

But eventually the time came for our lives to keep going on their own paths. And after more than 3 years, we were finally reuniting in Mexico, and this time Brady and Blue were on their own boat with Sharki the wonder dog in tow. We only got to spend a few days together because the weather really wasn’t cooperating with us, but man was it one of the most special moments ever. I’m so incredibly proud of everything we have both accomplished together and apart, and no matter how much time and distance separates us, he will always be my best friend. We hope you enjoy this little glimpse into this special time with family 🙂



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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Boat Work is Back! NEW WATERMAKER: Install and How It Works 🤓 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 412

After 280,000+ liters of fresh water produced, it was finally time to replace our trusty old water maker! We’ve been getting so many comments lately from you all about how much you enjoy the boat project videos, so we thought it would be cool to do a super in depth episode all about installing our new water maker, a full run down on how water makers actually work (which I think is super interesting!), and our honest review of it’s performance. Plus of course a healthy dose of our usual boat work antics where nothing goes according to plan 😂

We hopped back a little bit in time for this episode, but we wanted to also include our review of the system and it’s performance so we waited about a month after installing to finish filming everything for this video so we can give you the full picture. We ended up going with a pretty sweet 18-25 gallons per hour system by Sun Pure Water Makers. But we opted for the additional membrane which almost doubles our output for the same power input. It’s pretty wild because with our new set up we can actually run it off just the inverter and solar power (our old system needed the generator) so that is a game changer for us!

Visit to learn more and give Arne a shout if you need help finding the right system for you.


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

REAL LIFE Aboard Our Floating, Off Grid Home ⛵️ Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 411

Delos is a SPEED DEMON AGAIN! Our trip south continues with some gorgeous conditions, even if it was a bit chilly we were absolutely loving the winter in the Sea of Cortez compared to our trip up which was mostly motoring through a windless swimming pool and sweating A LOT 😂 . Now we had awesome wind and Delos was eating up the miles like a machine, it felt SO AMAZING!

Our introduction back into cruiser life after our long break honestly couldn’t have been better. We found some relaxing hot springs, did some hiking, a few repairs, and lots of wonderful moments together as a family. Sierra has changed so much in the 4 months since we were last cruising, and it’s such a joy to see how much more independent, curious, and in awe of the world she has become. Days like these make us truly grateful for our lifestyle, and are such an amazing reminder that all the hard work in the boat yard and tough days on the water are 100 percent worth it!


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Boat Work to BIG WAVES 🌊 One HELLUVA Shakedown Sail! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 410

After months of blood, sweat, and tears in the boat yard, splash day had finally arrived! We had done an overhaul on almost every major system on board, so as excited as we were to get back in the water, there was a LOT that could go wrong. But despite some of the doubts, we were beyond stoked to cast the lines and begin our sail south towards La Paz where we would eventually depart on our crossing of the Pacific Ocean.

This is one of my favorite parts at the start of every cruise when we’ve got all of our paper work done, the boat is fully provisioned and fully fuelled, and we just set out without really having a destination, just a general direction. There’s something incredibly liberating and freeing about that…we can go anywhere we want, and we have everything we need. With this beautiful feeling in our hearts and sunny skies over our heads, we waved goodbye to Puerto Penasco. But the wind and swell would build over the next days, and we would find ourselves on one helluva wild ride as we blasted our way South!


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Boat Work GRAND FINALE…Replacing our TRANSMISSION! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 409

We saved the best (worst???) for last!  As our splash date was getting closer and closer, we were scrambling to finish everything on time.  But we still had one of the biggest and most important jobs looming over us: replacing our transmission.  It turns out to be a massive undertaking with lots of hiccups along the way, and spoiler alert, this won’t be the last time I have to replace the transmission (stay tuned for that gem in the weeks to come😂)

But as busy as we were, we were still able to squeeze in a very special event. We host another Patron meet up where we got to hang with this awesome group of humans and share some beers and stories.  We’ve been so lucky to have been able to meet so many of you over the last year…we had a patron’s party for completing my circumnavigation in Puerto Vallarta, we met HUNDREDS of you at our party at the boat show, and now our most recent catch up in Puerto Penasco.  We had help from you in designing and building parts for the furler, we had an amazing house to stay in thanks to you, and so much help, love, and support.  We are just so dang grateful for this amazing community that all of you are a part of, and in case we don’t say it enough, thank you SO MUCH from the bottom of our hearts…seriously, you guys really are the best.



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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

After all that…IT DOESN’T FIT. Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 408

It feels like everything lately has been one step forward, two steps back, including one of our most challenging projects of the haulout: Replacing our furler motor. As difficult as it was though, I really enjoy projects like this that involve a lot of creativity. A lot of stars had to align to make this one happen including tracking down a retired Swiss guy who used to make the original parts and getting him to dig them up from his basement and send them to me 😂 and I’m super happy with how it all turned out in the end.

We had a lot of victories in the yard, but lots of set backs as well, and as is usually the case with boat projects everything was taking longer than we had hoped for. So with the clock ticking we decided to bust out the big guns, and we welcomed Super Ryan back to save the day.


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

BOAT WORK – Are We Crazy To Think We Can Do This??? Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 407

We’re starting to wonder if we’ve bitten off more than we can chew 😬  Haul outs are always a struggle, so we really shouldn’t be suprised at this point that everything always takes way longer and turns out to be more difficult than planned. We had our trip booked to Sweden already to visit Kazza’s family, and we wanted to get as much done as possible while Ryan was still there to help, so with the clock ticking we put our heads down and went for it (with of course a few minor moments of distraction when a dune buggy was calling my name…)


But ready or not, we make the long journey to Sweden which was soooo amazing. We didn’t film a whole lot while we were there because we wanted to take the time to focus on family and have a much needed break from filming and sharing everything all the time, but it was truly a special trip for us. Sierra absolutely loved getting in some quality time with Mormor, seeing snow for the first time, and just generally having time and space to run around and explore. We were able to really recharge our batteries, which was great because we still had a lottttt of boat work waiting for us when we returned to Mexico!


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

BOAT WORK – Don’t Try This At Home! 😱 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 406

Let’s drill some big ole’ holes in our boat! Today we present part 1 of our adventures (and misadventures) at the boat yard in Puerto Penasco as we prepare Delos for her first big ocean crossing since Brady and Blue took her across the Atlantic while we were in Sweden welcoming little miss Nuggs into the world. Some highlights of this episode include the arrival of the legendary Super Ryan, drilling holes in the hull (one necessary, one not so much 😂), two obscenely large tubs of peanut butter, the classic never ending list of boat jobs, and a few world class Sierra cuteness moments that will have you smiling for the rest of the day. We hope you enjoy this one! And if boat project videos are your thing, don’t worry, this is just part 1 of 4 episodes documenting our time in the boat yard, so we’ve still got a LOT in store for ya!


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Life of a Somewhat Successful Internet Sailor 🤩 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 405

The Annapolis Boat Show is one of the largest and most prestigious events of its kind on the planet.  On paper, it’s a chance to check out the latest and greatest gadgets and tour some shiny new boats, but for us, it’s the one time of the year that a collection of our favorite people in the universe who are normally scattered all around the world can all be found in one place.  There would be lots of YouTubers, lots of shenanigans, lots of alcohol, and lots of incredible moments shared with the people who have made this entire journey possible, you guys, the Delos Tribe. The whole experience was pretty surreal and humbling in so many ways.  In 2010 I posted my first YouTube video about crossing the Pacific Ocean.  It was more or less a glorified home movie to let my friends and family know that I was still alive on my 18 month sabbatical from work.  But somehow, my 18 month sabbatical turned into a 13 year trip around the world, and my home movie evolved into an entire way of life.

Never in a million years did I expect to have hundreds of thousands of people following our journey and supporting us at every step of the way.  But above all, the most unbelievable part was learning how the simple act of sharing our story would inspire so many others to build the life they always dreamed of.  Meeting with the Delos Tribe we heard stories of hope, challenges, loss, triumph, and everything in between.  And learning face to face what an impact our journey has had on their lives is an experience that I will always hold close to my heart, and it’s what inspires us to keep going and keep sharing it all with you.


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

NERVOUS! Lifting our 20 TON Boat Home Out of the Water! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 404

This hasn’t gotten any less SCARY for us 🙈 Even though it’s our 9th time pulling Delos out of the water, it’s still such a nerve racking experience…there are just so many things that can go really really wrong. You’re basically asked to steer your boat into a narrow, concrete like bunker with a gigantic machine looming over head. There’s usually some old tires and rusty bits of metal waiting to impale your vessel should anything go wrong. So you approach slowly and if you have timed the tides correctly you glide over the slings, and stop just before ramming your bow into the wall, or your forestay into the machine’s cross brace (both of which are considered bad form 😂 ) As the machine tightens the slings and starts to take the weight, it’s a surreal experience to feel yourself and your boat lifted out of the water supported by only a few straps and pins.

Hauling Delos out of the water marks the end of our 11th season of sailing. It feels like SO LONG ago that we cast the lines in Shelter Bay and began the 3,000+ mile journey from the Panama Canal up to the northern end of the Sea of Cortez. Our time being back in the Pacific ocean has pretty much mirrored what we’ve found to be true about cruising in general- alternating between the highest highs and the lowest lows, sometimes even simultaneously. While we’d had some pretty big challenges during this time (Hurricanes, Salmonella poisoning, and basically the entire coast of Costa Rica spring to mind) overall it’s been a pretty special and unforgettable season for us, and just seeing how much Sierra has grown and developed during this time is pretty mind blowing! But it feels great to close another chapter and make way for an exciting new one as we prepare to cross the Pacific Ocean again!


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Jumping Ship for the Day! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 402

The END is near, we can’t believe it! After another 6 months and 3,000+ miles, another sailing season is almost over. This one has been special because it’s the first time that we’ve really buddy boated. It was so incredible having our friends from Calico Skies and One Life by our side for the majority of the trip. We were all preparing to haul out and go our seperate ways for a few months, so we thought it would only be fitting to go out in style with a big blowout all together.

We kicked things off with a crew swap. We get a bit spoiled on Delos because everything is so familiar and easy, so it’s always fun to switch things up! After some pretty glorious conditions, we arrive to our next anchorage which will be the site for a battle of epic proportions the next day…the Adult Summer Camp Grand Finale! With plenty of lubricants to get the athletic juices flowing, we have a pretty ridiculous day of drunken games complete with a half time show that would make Rihanna herself jealous, followed by an occasion for Brian to finally bust out his rhinestone bow tie!


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

We REALLY Needed This! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 401

It’s been a while since we posted a video like this…No disasters, no storms, no hospital, just pure cruising bliss. We had forgotten what it was like to feel at ease, and man did we need this! And for all you Sierra fans out there, brace yourselves for some cuteness overload in this one 🥰

After all the chaos and stress of running from Hurricane Kay, the dust had finally settled and the seas had calmed, so we pull the anchor and set sail for Puerto Don Juan which is actually the anchorage we diverted away from at the last minute when we decided to opt for riding out the hurricane in San Carlos. We arrive to have our minds completely blown at the beauty and stillness of this sheltered paradise. It was such a relief to feel safe, secure, and relaxed, and we able to slip right back into the cruiser life with a bon fire on the beach, some wild coyote encounters, and of course no return to normalcy would be complete without at least one system failure onboard 😂


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Terrified and Heartbroken…WE COULDN’T HELP THEM 🥺 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 400

We hope you enjoy part 2 of our ordeal with Hurricane Kay. We prepared as best we could, and now there was nothing left to do but wait. It’s a pretty vulnerable feeling to just be sitting and waiting, unsure of what’s to come. Cruising life has presented us with all kinds of challenges over the years, but this has to be one of the most mentally tough ones we’ve faced, especially since having Sierra has really changed the way we see everything. The hardest part of it all was definitely seeing some of the other boats struggle and feeling helpless to do anything about it. Knowing that it’s someone’s hopes, dreams, maybe they worked their whole life to make it a reality…and now that dream is on the beach getting pounded by swell. It was heartbreaking to see. We are incredibly grateful to have come out from the whole experience unscathed, and we hope that those of you here that have your own boats or are working towards one in the future can learn valuable tips and lessons from this episode.


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Our WHOLE LIFE Is On The Line…Is this the RIGHT CALL? Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 399

When a Hurricane is headed towards your family, your home, your business, your entire life…What do you do? As captain of a boat, you make hundreds of decisions every day. Some big, some small, some inconsequential…but when the stakes are this high and the information available to you is changing by the hour, it’s a pretty heavy feeling knowing that this is one decision you ABSOLUTELY have to get right.


As Hurricane Kay began to develop, we quickly realized that we needed to start making some moves- not only to try and create distance between ourselves and its projected path, but also because our insurance would only cover  anything that might happen to Delos in a named storm if we were north of a certain latitude.  But the decision of how we should respond was far from easy to make- as forecasts changed and information started reaching us from other cruisers in different locations, our heads started to spin a bit.  This was an extremely exhausting time for us mentally and emotionally…the anticipation, the unknowns, the weight of the decisions that we needed to make, the preparation, the anxiety…We hope you enjoy this episode as we explore some of these feelings, share how we go about making decisions like these and processing the information available to us, and take you through how we prepare for the serious weather that was headed our way.


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

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