Patron Rewards

We love all of our beautiful Tribe! If you’re interested in getting access to our Tribal Council Facebook Group, Live Event Access, and other exclusive Patreon-only rewards, like FREE Delos Gear, or even a chance to JOIN DELOS for a sail, consider joining the project as an ongoing supporter on Patreon!

Swab Rewards- $5.00 per video

  • Early Video Previews
  • Tribal Council Facebook Group
  • Patrons Only Content
  • Live Events and Stream Access
  • Delos Family Gear Di$counts

Ahoy Swabby!!!  Thanks for putting food in our bellies and throwing a bit of diesel in the tanks! You’ll see our videos one week before anyone else.  You’ll also have access to our Tribal Council Facebook Group where you can share your sailing experiences with The Delos Crew, access to our Live Stream events, and a super discount on all our Delos Gear!  Plus that warm fuzzy feeling from helping us to reach our goals and continue sharing this amazing planet 🙂

Check out our Stockholm Meetup, or our Live Q&A to see what goodies we have in store for you! 

Head to to become a SWAB!

Mate Rewards- $15.00 per video

  • All Swab Benefits
  • $3o in FREE Delos Gear
  • Diving and Sailing Group Opportunities

Ahoy Matey!! This is the only way to get an original Delos Crew T-shirt.  Besides sailing on Delos of course…  You’ll get a $30 code to use at our gear shop, good for a crew shirt, stickers, hat, or anything else your heart may desire after you support 2 videos. You’ll also get special invitations to meet the crew for group sailing, diving, and moonshine tasting in some of the exotic locations we visit! 

Here’s how the Diving and Sailing Group works:

Want to meet up in an exotic location with The Delos Crew?  Now that we’re in the Caribbean we’re planning some very cool group events!   In the past we’ve put together ASA Sail Training Courses, PADI Diving trips, and we have more planned!  When we can negotiate a good group discount on something super cool to do we’ll post on!  If you can join us for the event, just let us know in the post comments, it’s that easy! If we have more people respond than we have space we’ll run a drawing.  Each video you support equals one entry into the drawing, so the longer you’re a supporter the better your odds.  If you’re a Pirate, Blackbeard or Greybeard it works the same, except that each video supported as a Pirate is 2 contest entries, for Blackbeard it’s 4 entries, and for Greybeard a whopping 15 entries!  The pool of responders is usually small so the odds are quite good 🙂 

Check our SCUBA Diving PADI meetup, or our ASA Sailing Courses to see what a Delos Group Event looks like.

Head to to  become a MATE!

Pirate- $25.00 per video

  • All Mate Benefits
  • $50.00 in FREE Delos Gear
  • SAIL on Delos Opportunities
  • Diving and Sailing Group Opportunities

ARRRRRGH!!!  You’re a true pirate and a serious dreamer with a visionary soul!  You get all the Swab benefits, $50.00 in FREE Delos Gear after 2 videos supported, PLUS you’re now eligible for our CREW on Delos Contests!  When there’s an airport close to Delos and we have a free bunk or two we’ll ask for interest to join us for a real Delos experience.  Each video you support counts as an entry into the crew contest.  If you win just pay your airfare and we cover your room, board, and even beer and moonshine onboard for you and your +1!  To see how we run contests see below.

Want to go sailing and diving on Delos?  Here’s how our crew opportunities work:

Now that we’re in the Caribbean we’re doing more Crew contests!!! You pay for the flights, we take care of room, board, beer, and even moonshine ! Every trip is a little different length, and locations vary depending on airport access. 

When we’re sailing somewhere with an airport and have a bunk or two free we’ll put up notice on!  If you can join just let us know in the post comments, it’s that easy.  If we have more people respond then we have space for we’ll run a contest.  Each video you support equals one entry into the contest, so the longer you’re a supporter the better your odds.  If you’re a Blackbeard or Greybeard it works the same, except that each video supported as a Blackbeard is 2 contest entries and for Greybeard it’s 10 entries!  The pool of responders is usually small so the odds are quite good 🙂

Check our Join us in Trinidad contest to see what a SAIL on Delos Opportunity looks like.

Head to to become a PIRATE!

Blackbeard- $50.00 per video

  • All Pirate Benefits
  • $100 in FREE Delos Gear
  • Welcome to the Wall of FAME!
  • SAIL on Delos Opportunities
  • Diving and Sailing Group Opportunities

All hail Cap’n Blackbeard, you’re the pirate of pirates!!!  In addition to all the Pirate benefits you get $100 of FREE Delos Gear after 2 videos supported!  PLUS – We have a wall of amazing people on Delos, those that have contributed to our trip in a special way. It’s called the Wall of Fame, or Wall of Shame, depending on what you’re up to in the picture!  Ha Ha.  It’s on the bulkhead of the salon by our Solomon Islands Mask man. If you send us a photo we’ll post it in our favorite spot on Delos. Every day when we wake up, whether on anchor or on passage, we’ll think of you and send some good vibes your way for making so much possible for us. Of course this will appear in our videos so keep that in mind…..  

Want to go sailing and diving on Delos?  Here’s how our crew opportunities work:

Now that we’re in the Caribbean we’re doing more Crew contests!!! You pay for the flights, we take care of room, board, beer, and even moonshine! Every trip is a little different length, and locations vary depending on airport access.  Each video you support equals two entries entry into the contest, so the longer you’re a supporter the better your odds. Just let us know by commenting on one of the events and you are automatically in, with twice the odds! The same applies to the Group Diving and Sailing as well.

Check our SCUBA Diving PADI meetup, or our ASA Sailing Courses to see what a Delos Group Event looks like.  Check our Join us in Trinidad contest to see what a SAIL on Delos Opportunity looks like .

Head to to become a BLACKBEARD!

Greybeard- $250.00 per video

  • All Blackbeard Benefits 
  • $250.00 in FREE Delos Gear
  • 1:1 Q&A with the crew
  • A Special Gift from Us to You!
  • SAIL on Delos Opportunities
  • Diving and Sailing Group Opportunities

All hail Admiral Greybeard!!! You must be a very enlightened soul to consider this level of support! We’re actually a little bit speechless…. We’ll do our best to help you to achieve your goals and follow your own cruising dreams.  We’re happy to personally answer any questions you may have about this amazing lifestyle directly over email, Facebook, Skype, or carrier pigeon 🙂 . Internet (and Pigeon) dependent of course!  In addition to all Blackbeard rewards you get a whopping $250.00 in FREE Delos Gear after 2 videos supported.

As a mighty Greybeard you’re eligible for pretty much everything.  And your odds are incredible, for every video you support you get 10 entries into our Sail on Delos contests, and 15 entries into the Group events!  In addition from time to time we will randomly send you something special from our hearts!  It could be a cool old bit of Delos like a piece of standing rigging, a piece of ripped sail, or a special bit we collect on our travels.  Just a little something from us to you that cannot be had anywhere else.

Check our SCUBA Diving PADI meetup, or our ASA Sailing Courses to see what a Delos Group Event looks like.  Check our Join us in Trinidad contest to see what a SAIL on Delos Opportunity looks like.

Head to to become a GREYBEARD!

Please visit to become a Delos Patron!

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