Heavy Weather Sailing – Sailing in Storms
We’ve sailed across the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean. Most of them more than once! During our 70,000 miles at sea we’ve seen some heavy weather. In this playlist you’ll find videos of Delos and her crew doing what they do best when the wind starts blowing and the waves start building.


It’s Getting BAD Out Here (4 METER WAVES 😳)....Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 466

WTF Were We Thinking?? 🫣 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 429

Things Get HEATED 🔥 One Of Is Gonna Be 😡 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 428

Sailing Hardcore - Life in ROUGH SEAS! (Pacific Crossing Part 2 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 417

55 KNOT STORM + HUGE WAVES 😬💨⛵ Storm that Broke our Pole - SV Delos Ep. 314

One Helluva sail to Grenada! - Sailing Vessel Delos Ep.197