
Bye Bye Delos! – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 202

What does it take to get a sailboat like Delos ready to haul out and be stored in the yard for a few months? Join us for the last sail of the season on Delos and we’ll walk you though it! It takes quite a bit of work to do it properly but with the right knowledge and planning it’s not too bad.

This video has a lot of love, deep reflections of our lives on the water and a lot of boat work as we prepare Delos to be hauled out while we head back to visit our families for a few months.

Much Love ~ Kazza and the Crew

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SAIL. DIVE. REPEAT. Welcome to the FUNGATTA! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 201

What’s a FUNGATTA???? Well, it’s a triathlon of events including sailing, diving, partying, and general good times 🙂 When Rick from Sophisticated Lady mentions a regatta up north in Bequia, nestled in the turquoise waters of the Grenadines it sounds like too cool of a mission to pass up. We set sail and buddy boat north to find yet another incredible sailing paradise. The only problem- the race is called off for lack of wind. So what do sailors do when there is no wind? Well the first this that pops into our minds is drinking rum and scuba diving. And so the Delos Fungatta series is born! This is a feel good episode with lot’s of sailing, scuba diving, and general good vibes. Hope you enjoy! Edit by Leeesir and Capt. Breeyawn. Much love from The Delos Crew

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Gettin’ Deep into the Grenada Cruiser Scene – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 198

Grenada is a black hole that will suck you in, or at least that’s what we’ve heard, and after spending a little time here we can see why! In this episode we have some incredible sailing, we say goodbye to Eric, Maureen, and Colin and life returns to normal on Delos. At least for a few hours…. Rick from Sophisticated Lady tells us of a dinghy cruiser concert, which sounds too cool to pass up so we move Delos over to Hog Island and get deep into the heart of the cruiser scene with one hell of a party!

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One Helluva sail to Grenada! – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep.197

The sail from Trinidad to Grenada is supposed to be eazy-peazy right? Just a leisurely 80NM sail to another island. NOPE!!! It turns out to be one of the roughest overnight passages we’ve had this season with squalls gusting into the 40 knot range that knocked us around all night long with big seas and current against us. Not to mention we had two fresh greenhorns onboard, Eric and Maureen, who were our Patron Crew Contest winners for this leg. There’s no better way to break in a new sailor than with a good overnight passage in some hectic conditions 🙂

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SLOW TV – Sailing Up the Maroni River, French Guiana – Sailing Vessel Delos

This is a bit of an experiment, and you are the guinea pigs he he 🙂

On a recent sail we were inspired by a TED talk on the concept of Slow TV. The idea is to capture an experience from a point of view over a long time span. In this case we were exploring the Maroni river in French Guiana. We hooked up a few Go Pro’s on Delos and let them run until the battery went dead. We also recorded the audio separately with our external microphone.

The video is 3 hours and 40 minutes long and meant as ambient background with audio. Maybe put it on the TV while you eat or a second monitor while you work. I dunno but hope you enjoy!

Love Brady, Alex, Brian, and Karin.
PS- Here is a link to the TED talk if you are interested:

A SAILBOAT up a South American Jungle river? – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 194

Why would you sail your home up a jungle river in French Guyana?   Well because it’s fun obviously! One of our favorite things is exploring off the beaten path in Delos, and taking our sailing home up a fresh water river is too cool to pass up. We get Delos way back off of a small tributary and anchor up for some dinghy exploring in Maggie. We notice that the animals are extremely skittish, and and find a patch of forest that’s been utterly destroyed by illegal logging.

We return to the town of Maroni to seek answers and try to figure out what’s going on. We tour a traditional village in Suriname, witness the local carnival, and finally end up a a wildlife sanctuary where we get some answers about what’s going on with the ultra-skittish monkeys. Then when our trip to French Guyana just couldn’t get any more random we get access to the European Spaceport and are able to film an Ariane V rocket launch! Incredible!!!

Fair Winds, peace, and love from Brian, Karin, Alex, and Brady.

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Youtube Sailing Videos – Sailing Around The World – Sailing Vessel Delos

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Tunes used in this video
Time: 00:33
Song: Ramukanji (Remix)
Artist: OneTox
Time: 01:54
Song: Something Elated
Artist: Broke For Free
Time: 05:54
Song: Warm Up Suit
Artist: Broke For Free
Time: 07:27
Song: Seeker
Artist: Kai Engel
Time: 10:49
Song: Hold On
Artist: The Kickstands
Time: 11:12
Song: A difficult Subject
Artist: The Insider
Time: 12:37
Song: Sunset Heights
Artist: Brandon – the essenchills volume 1
Time: 16:00
Song: Se Vive Equal
Artist: Commando Anti-Depresivo
Time: 18:51
Song: Hola Hola Hola, Que Tal!?
Artist: Commando Anti-Depresivo
Time: 20:03
Song: The Insider Theme
Artist: The Insider
Time: 21:40
Song: Monday Morning Wake Up Call
Artist: Daniel Birch
Time: 22:05
Song: Faded
Artist: Drake Stafford
Time: 24:02
Song: Chee Zee Beach
Artist: Kevin MacLeod
Time: 24:50
Song: Brand New World
Artist: Kai Engel
Time: 27:05
Song: Old Tricks
Artist: AJMW – Chillhop Essentials – Summer 2017
Time: 28:18
Song: Retro Wave
Artist: Aries Beats

Sailing into a NIGHT SQUALL!!!! Life in the ITC ZED- Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 193

NIGHT SQUALL!!!!! On day 9 of a 1,400 mile passage we get hit in the middle of the night by a massive squall! The wind is hitting a solid 45 knots and the rain is driven so hard it’s blinding us. We accidentally jibe, take a wave in the salon hatch, and it takes all hands on Deck to get Delos under control and properly reefed as we cruise down the waves making over 14 knots. That pretty much sums up life in the ITC ZED….

The next day we sight land and sail Delos into the jungle rivers of French Guyana. We’re struck by the quiet and calmness the jungle river provides us after so many days rocking and rolling on the ocean. Time to explore French Guyana!

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Hidden Treasures of Fernando de Noronha – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 191

Time to explore the hidden treasures of Fernando de Noronha! We start off by exploring Brazil’s most celebrated beaches. Feeling a pull to the ocean we long to breath underwater so we set off on a scuba diving adventure, and man was it a real treat! We had encounters with sharks, rays, and barracuda. Then, to top off an already incredible experience we scuba dive with something we’ve never, ever experienced before! I hope you have as much fun watching this video as I did editing it. Much Love ~ Kazza and The Delos Crew

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Sailing to the Most Famous Island in Brazil! Fernando de Noronha – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 190

What is the most exotic island in all of Brazil? You know, something with with sand beaches, crystal clear waters, dolphins, turtles, and of course awesome bars? We asked this question a lot and the reply from most people was “Man, you gotta check out Fernando de Noronha!” So we decided to sail there and check it out for ourselves. It’s our last stop in Brazil before setting sail for French Guyana, and we experienced all the island had to offer. View More

Gentleman Don’t Sail To Weather – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 188

We try not to sail to weather… Ever! It’s sort of like a big night of drinking, you promise you’ll never do it again. But…. We have a date with the airport in Recife and decide to make tracks north. We have 5 days of headwinds and current against us, but we make it to Recife. The only casualty- Mr. Brady’s laptop battles a wave and loses 🙁

We arrive just in time to greet Karin’s brother Ragnar, and say goodbye to our beloved Leesir Ninja Beast as she heads back home to friends and family in Austria.

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Installing Lithium Batteries on a Sailboat!!! Part 1- Sailing Vessel Delos

Our Mission- Get rid of propane and move into the 21st century with induction cooking! We install a bank of Lithium batteries, a big ass inverter, and an induction cooktop. This video covers the installation process and what tweaks we made on Delos to get the system working.

Check out for some FAQ and more info on what we installed.

I think I will do a Part 2 that covers the rest of the configuration of the charge controllers, and what we do to replace the old propane oven. Stay Tuned, and thanks so much for all your support that makes these videos possible 🙂

Hope you enjoyed, and learned a little something like I did. For more of these types of videos please give the video a LIKE! Or buy us a beer ha ha 🙂

WATT the hell is an amp hour?

If you’ve ever wondered what the hell an amp hour is, how to calculate your power usage onboard, and what it means with respect to battery capacity then this video is for you! If you like this type of content and would like to see more please support us at .

Fair winds! Capt. Brian


Sailing into Rio De Janeiro! – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep.183

When I think of Brazil, the iconic image of Rio automatically pops into my mind. And I’m pretty sure it does for you too. There’s just a certain mystique about this picturesque, exotic city nestled among breathtaking beaches and mountains that surround Guanabara bay.

Anchoring Delos right in the middle of this 7-million-person city was a completely surreal experience. If you asked me 10 years ago the chances that I would find myself in Rio, let alone on a sailboat here, I probably would have said next to nothing.

We spent nearly three weeks in Rio di Janeiro, and as you might imagine went on quite a few filming adventures. We feel like we got a good taste of the city, and picked out our favorite bits to show you what our experience was like. Enjoy 😀 ~Brian, Karin, Lisa, Brady and Alex

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UPS and DOWNS of our Sailing Life- Ep. 182

Sometimes the boat drags anchor, you lose your dinghy, things break, and you miss your family. But then you have fantastic islands and even better company to bring you back up! In this episode we explore a bit about both sides of this incredible lifestyle.

Please be sure to give us a LIKE on the video if you enjoyed watching. It really helps more than you realize 🙂

Really hope you enjoy! Peace and love from Delos! Brian, Karin, Brady, and Alex

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Sailing Brazil’s Biggest Island, Ilha Grande – Ep. 181

It’s a great day sail to Brazil’s biggest island- Ilha Grande! A super beautiful spot with incredible beaches, clear water and even rumors of good diving! I have one of the most incredible moments swimming with a turtle and we explore the cozy town of Abraao where we meet some new friends! ;D Much Love to you all from Kazza and the Crew

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Stockholm Patron Presentation- June 10th 2018

Wanna chill and listen like a podcast? Download the MP3 at ! Thanks so much for the great showing everyone, we had an absolute BLAST! For those of you that couldn’t make it here is a recording of the presentation. 00:00 – 55:30 is the presentation, the Q&A portion starts at 55:30. Some of the topics we cover are:

– The History of the Delos Voyage- 62,000 miles of Sailing!
– Why did we start filming?
– How do we film, and how much footage we’ve accumulated.
– Lisa talks about her experience crossing her first Ocean.
– Marta the Sailing Mom’s perspective on Karin sailing the world.
– What is was like to sail into the Caribbean.
– Future plans in Svalbard, arctic sailing, and Beyond!

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Lizbeth’s last day on Delos!….for now! – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 173

Be sure to follow Lizbef’s adventures at! Lisa did an incredible job putting together this beautiful and a bit sad episode! The time has come for Lizbeth to say goodbye to Delos and start her new adventure in France. But before she leaves we have a great last Delos party as a family of six! Loads of laughs, Caipirinhas, singing and some naked swimming in the dark. Then it was time to say the sad goodbye 🙁 Wow Liz it has been a fantastic 6 month, 5000NM and 5 counties together! We Love you!!

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