
Living in the WORLDS LARGEST swimming pool! – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 284

Crystal clear water, unexplored beaches, spearfishing, an outdoor movie theater, and even tricky boat projects- this amazing edit by Kazza has it all! Imagine waking up and wandering outside your house to find the most incredibly calm and beautiful view you could imagine. We’re floating in a sea of crystal clear glass! What a special way to wake up and start the day :). After spearfishing for some dinner and exploring a new beach we take advantage of the zero knots of wind and set up a full on movie theater at the beach and watch the legendary β€œCaptain Ron”- a must see if you haven’t already. And if you’re interested in boat projects Brian troubleshoots our batteries and spends a few days in the sweltering heat on the heater install.

Hope you enjoy this weeks video! Please like and subscribe πŸ™‚ helps us out a lot! Sending many virtual hugs you’re way! Kazza, Brian and little Sierra

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MEDICAL EMERGENCY! What would you do?! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 283

A call on the VHF from a local Bahamian family out fishing springs us into action! We get so much help and kindness from people in the places we visit, when we can help them out it’s our way of saying Thank You So Much. The weather is changing and it’s time to get a move on! We leave our beloved spot at the TTYC and seek shelter at Buena Vista Island for the night, only to spot some strange flashing lights in the sky. Is it a UFO or merely an atmospheric phenomena? We hope someone knows more than we do! After an awesome sail to Hog Cay we are in the middle of cooking Pigs In A Blanket for a party when we get an EMERGENCY CALL on the VHF. A local family was out fishing and their daughter cut herself pretty badly after falling on a conch shell. Since we have a huge medical kit onboard we got in touch over the VHF and organized for them to tie up to Delos so we could render care.

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Tracked down by a mysterious plane! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 282

We decide to fill our scuba tanks and take the TTYC members for a scuba dive to check out some local sharks in the area! We return to find the anchorage is being circled by a mysterious plane which we later make contact with… The weather is absolutely amazing and I take time for a little kiteboard session. We then setup the Yacht Club for a massive birthday celebration for our friend Andy and party the night away! Hope you all are having a spectacular weekend- Sending much love and hope you are all safe and healthy. XXOO- Brian, Kazza, and The Little Nugget

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Music is one of the hardest things about bringing our episodes together!
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Birth of the Two Titty Yacht Club! – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 281

Things are starting to get strange… We resort to the old bartering system trading haircuts for laundry and labor for dinners. Some members of the Two Titty Yacht Club are getting creative and organize a full on monster mash challenge for the group! I love the way Brian described this time- β€œIts quite unlike anything I’ve ever experienced” Hope your having a great day! Sending many virtual hugs from us πŸ˜€ If you like the video please subscribe would make my day.
XooxOXoo Karin, Brian and little Sierra

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When STUFF BREAKS 😭 in the Middle of Nowhere – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 280

I can’t think of a worse thing to happen right now, just as we got all of this fresh food. And now it’s all going bad. 😭 Things were going so well… Then the drama begins when stuff starts to break. Just after getting stocked up with fresh food both our freezers decide to stop working and all our hard won food starts to rot in the tropical heat. Luckily we live in the best neighborhood EVER and our fellow sailors come to the rescue with repair skills and supplies. Our little sailing community comes together for a full day of moonshining on the beach, old school style with a pot still powered by beach driftwood!

Hope you enjoy this episode! If you do please subscribe to the channel. Would make my day πŸ˜€ HUGS! Kazza, Brian and little Sierra

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How long can we survive out here? Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 279

Our food is running low and the Bahamas is on lock down, but we have a plan… We begin our 59th day of isolation with an absolutely amazing sail flying both spinnakers as we move to a new uninhabited island. Running low on food Brian goes spearfishing but we’re nearly out of fresh food for Sierra so after a week of preparation and planning we cross our fingers that the Mailboat arriving to a nearby island will have some food boxes with our name on it. I like how Brian summed up the day – β€œMost exhausting but single coolest grocery shopping I’ve ever done.”

Sending much love to you all. XXOO- Brian, Kazza, and The Little Nugget

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Buzzed by the US COASTGUARD chopper! – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 278

Delos, Delos this is the US COAST GUARD on 16 OVER! It’s not every morning you hear the US Coastguard calling you on the radio, then doing a close fly-by when you’re anchored in the middle of no where. I definitely felt nervous as Brian answered the VHF call. We’re anchored in an incredible spot and with 0kn of wind its like our house is floating in a swimming pool. Brian heads out to catch some dinner before diving head first into some boat work that involves drilling a pretty big hole in the side of the boat πŸ™‚

If your in the mood for a little bit of everything good you will like this episode. Sending much love your way! XooxXo Kazza, Brian and Sierra

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OH NO! The Liquor Stores are Closed?!? Our SOCIAL BUBBLE in Paradise – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 277

What to do when all the liquor stores in the Bahamas are CLOSED until further notice? Lucky for us we just happen to have 2 stills onboard! Brian gets right on it and starts brewing alcohol for the whole anchorage. We also navigate the rules and regulations for the pandemic and create a social bubble of isolated sailors. And in the mist of all this craziness we celebrate Brians birthday on a gluttonous day with good food, foil boarding and fires on the beach with new found friends.

Hope you enjoy this one. If you do please give it a thumbs up and subscribe would make my day πŸ™‚ Kazza, Brian and little Sierra

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Music is one of the hardest things about bringing our episodes together! Check out Epidemic Sound.

DAY IN THE LIFE- Our 56th day of ISOLATION on a SAILBOAT! – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 276

Join us for a typical day of our self isolation on our 53 foot sailboat home! It just so happens to be our 56th day of being away from civilization in this uninhabited island paradise. We wake up, do some normal stuff like eat and all that, but then Brian decides to use our excess solar power by brewing up a batch of moonshine. He also wires up our power inverter so we can run the laundry off the solar and batteries and save even more diesel fuel. After our daily chores are done I head into the island for a walk and Brian goes spear fishing to catch us some dinner, which turns out to be a conch and grouper chowder. YUMMY!!! Life is simple but good out here for our little family.

Hope you enjoy this peak into our lives living on a boat in isolation. If you like the chance to come sailing with us in the future Join us on LOVE, Kazza, Brian and The Little Nugget

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Music is one of the hardest things about bringing our episodes together! Check out Epidemic Sound.

The 2nd most EXCLUSIVE YACHT CLUB in the world! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 275

Welcome to one of the most spectacular places on earth! After weeks spent in isolation and craving the company of fellow sailors we decide to sail to an island rumored to have a yacht club built by locals and cruisers on a remote, desolate island. After dodging the weekly cold front bringing northerly winds we arrive to find a random mix of cruisers anchored in front of an idyllic beach on a deserted island! We immediately set out on a fishing mission to bring home dinner for a BBQ we were invited to and have great luck but decide to BBQ something else entirely….. At this point you might be wondering what is the most exotic yacht club in the world? Well you’ll just have to wait until we show it to you :). Hope you enjoy the video!

Sending much love to everyone out there. XXOO- Brian, Kazza, and The Little Nugget

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STUCK ABOARD for 5 days of nasty weather! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 274

What do you do stuck onboard for 5 days as your house is beaten by the wind and waves? As sailors we live and die by the weather. Every morning wake up, make some coffee, then check the weather. Sometimes the forecast is nice and we can stay put, but sometimes we gotta move our house to somewhere with better protection. In this episode we decide to move Delos to a new island to seek better protection. We have a fantastic sail set the hook, and begin exploring the amazing uninhabited island of Buena Vista in the remote Ragged Islands of the Bahamas. Soon the wind starts to kick up and we get pinned onboard for 5 days of terrible wind and weather!

Sending much love to everyone out there. XXOO- Brian, Kazza, and The Little Nugget

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Music is one of the hardest things about bringing our episodes together! Check out Epidemic Sound. and Andrew Rothschild Music

How we FEED OUR FAMILY off the grid – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 273

Are you ready for some spear fishing, catch and cook action from the largest swimming pool on earth?!?

We wake up to find Delos anchored in perfect calm conditions and decide to take our dinghy Maggie around to the normally rough and windy side of the island to go food shopping for the week. This is our version of the supermarket, but WAY WAY more fun! Within a few hours of spear fishing I have enough lobster, conch, and fish for our little family to last for days. We proceed to go on a sea food eating extravaganza dreaming up delicious catch and cook recipes that delight our taste buds. It’s not all fun and games though as in the middle of the night a sudden wind shift puts Delos on a lee shore and we find our selves bashing the keel against the bottom. A middle of the night move your house drill is required to get us back to deeper water and safety!

Sending much love to everyone out there. XXOO- Brian, Kazza, and The Little Nugget

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Catch and Cook from ISOLATION – Uninhabited Island Paradise! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 272

Catch and Cook Lobster from our sailboat! Join us as the days stretch into weeks, and the weeks into months as we begin months of isolation in paradise. With months of supplies aboard we begin our exploration of the Ragged Islands, an uninhabited island paradise located in the very southern portion of the Bahamas! It’s the perfect place to be for us as we’re set up to make our own power and water and best of all I’m able to support our family by fishing only a few hours a week!

Sending much love to everyone out there. XXOO- Brian, Kazza, and The Little Nugget

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FATIGUED at SEA (part 3 OF 3) Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 271

Day 4 at Sea! Brian Is it easier or harder than you though sailing with a 6 month baby? – β€œWell we’re still alive and no one is going crazy, so I guess easier” :p

After 3 days averaging 4 hours of sleep a night I was definitely starting to feel like I needed a solid NAP. Delos was making great speed flying along at 11 knots from time to time surfing down waves when we spotted the outline of an island just after sunrise. After a pit stop at the Island of Great Inagua to clear Bahamas immigration and customs we continue for another 24 hour sprint to arrive in the isolated Ragged Islands. Oh I was just soooo happy to set the hook in crystal clear water right next to a beautiful white sand beach!!

Hope you liked this passage videos! So much fun to edit and so many great memories! Give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed watching πŸ˜€ Much Love ~ Kazza, Brian and little Sierra

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24 HOURS in Our Life OFFSHORE – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 270

What’s a day in our lives like offshore sailing? In this episode we show you our daily routine, including the dull and exciting things that happen in a single 24 hour period on a small sailboat at sea. We get a call from a boat next to us asking for help, we do a bunch of sail changes, and Brian decides to attempt to wash dirty baby diapers while Delos is rolling around in the swell.

Hope you like this peak into our lives sailing as a family! If you do please subscribe and LIKE THE VIDEO. It makes our day πŸ˜€ Much Love ~ Kazza, Brian and Little Sierra

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Music is one of the hardest things about bringing our episodes together! Check out Epidemic Sound.

Why SAILING makes me NERVOUS – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 269

It’s time to put civilization behind us and some miles under the keel! Our destination is the Ragged Islands, Bahamas some 600NM west of our current position. This passage is the culmination of months of planning and dreaming and we’re as nervous as we are excited about getting underway.

We pull up the hook, set full sail, and watch Puerto Rico slip over the horizon, all while feeling a bit nervous as this will be our longest passage so far. It’s just Brian and I handling the watches, the cooking and the sail changes by ourselves all while taking care of Sierra at the same time. But sailors must sail and now it’s time to get underway!

Much Love from us to you! Hope you enjoyed this first part of our passage. Day two coming out tomorrow πŸ˜€ Much Love ~ Kazza, Brian and Little Sierra

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Music is one of the hardest things about bringing our episodes together! Check out Epidemic Sound.

Sailing OFF THE GRID for 3 months- How do we shop? Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 268

How do you shop for 3 months of OFF THE GRID living on a sailboat? In this episode we find ourselves in the port of San Juan, Puerto Rico preparing to set sail to some very remote islands. Knowing it will be months before we can get supplies again we decide to do a huge provisioning run and fill Delos with enough food for 2 adults + 1 baby for 90 days which is 540 servings plus snacks, drinks, and other necessities like toilet paper! The food in itself is a crazy mission, and if you add in other necessities to keep Delos ship shape like fuel, oil, filters, and other boat projects we have in progress it can get out of control in a hurry. Hope you enjoy the video, and sending you lot’s of love from us currently enjoying our 85th day out here in isolation! Capt. Breeyawn, Kazza, and The Little Nugget

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Music is one of the hardest things about bringing our episodes together! Check out Epidemic Sound.

Our neighbors RUN AGROUND! – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 267

Have you ever wondered what the steps are for getting a catamaran off a reef? In this episode Brian helps our neighbors @tgt_sailing after they run aground negotiating a tricky harbor entrance. We also dig into some boat projects and fire up the new solar panels, and I cook up some super delicious banana pancakes πŸ˜€

Hope you enjoy this episode of our day to day life living as a family on our boat. If you do be sure to LIKE THE VIDEO to let us know πŸ™‚ Sending extra virtual HUGS to everyone that subscribes to our channel.
LOVE, Kazza, Brian and The Little Nugget

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Music is one of the hardest things about bringing our episodes together!
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