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The Delos Diaries: Part 26 “Becoming a Mermaid.”

We’re off early this morning. We’re heading to an amazing dive site called Bird Rock. It’s nice to get away from the island to be honest. I love Ascension, but already I know it’s time for us to leave. We’re here for another week and we’ve got a lot more adventures to be had, but whenever I look out into the ocean, I feel a restlessness. View More

The Delos Diaries: Part 27 “Onwards to Brazil!”

It’s the morning of our departure. I wake, my body burning for movement as we excitedly prepare Delos to leave Bird Rock. Yes, that’s right-we did return to that amazing place. After spending another week on Ascension Island, we decided we had no choice but to escape back to its protective rocky embrace. It’s been an incredible couple of days diving, relaxing and sunbathing, but now it’s time. View More

Thought 2 – by Lisa

wednesday 19.07.2017, 13:11, somewhere between ascension island and brazil

we’re in the middle of nowhere. far from land and far from any civilization. although two cargo ships crossed our way earlier today, but that doesn’t count. View More

thought 3 – by lisa

tuesday 21.11.2017, 10:45, abrolhos in brazil

having a camera, or actually a bunch of cameras, around you on a daily basis is not very common. at least it was not normal for me before i came on delos. in fact, it’s still not normal for me. but it’s part of the game and i enjoy playing the game, otherwise i would not be here anymore i guess. View More

thought 4. by leeesir

monday 1.1.2018, 11:30, somewhere in cold austria

another monday. another thought post.
but it’s not a normal monday for me.
it’s not normal because I am writing this from austria, not delos in sunny brazil!

yes, you read right. after 9 months of sailing and traveling i have returned back to my home country, back to friends and family and the cold weather.

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One Year on Delos – by Alex Blue

It is March 30th, 2018 and exactly one year ago I was on a flight half way across the world from my home state of California towards Cape Town, South Africa. The year since then has surely been one of the most challenging and therefore beautiful of my life. For months, I have been contemplating about how to write down what it has meant to me- a grand summation of all I have learned about the earth and myself… but every time I begin brainstorming, my mind gets lost folding into a million different thought patterns. So, in this final moment and in true Delos style, a few rums deep, I will do my best to make it short and sweet.
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Nana Mo’s Excellent Adventure on Delos – By Maureen

Ever since I left Delos in Grenada 4 days ago, I haven’t been able to focus on anything but the memories of that incredible experience.

I discovered Delos on YouTube last year while day dreaming about sailing away to exotic places. I was drawn in immediately and it didn’t take long for my husband Colin to become addicted too.
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The Texas Bar – By Brian


It’s day 10 and we’re further north than any of us have even been.  Isbjorn is making short tacks, gliding through the frigid water into a glacier lined fjord.  As we make the last headland the fjord opens up to reveal a unbelievably huge glacier dominating the southern wall.  Every few minutes a low thunder rumbles, reverberating off the fjord walls like a canon shot, caused by tons of ice calving off the face and dropping into the frozen waters below.  It’s 10:00PM and we’re in one of the most remote and wildest places in the entire world.  The midnight sun is shining and the weather is ideal.  It’s time to explore! View More
