It’s a funny thing sailing our home across the Pacific Ocean. Inside the boat everything looks and feels more or less the same: meals get cooked, dishes get washed, laundry is cleaned and then dirtied and cleaned again. View More
ocean passages
It’s dark and quiet out here. No moon tonight and no stars. A high cloud layer is dampening all light like a heavy blanket. The sky and ocean are indistinguishable melting into an undetectable horizon. View More
We untied from the dock in La Cruz at 4:56 p.m. yesterday, March 27. We had a great send-off from the gang. Brad and PJ and the crew of Totem even showed up to blow the airhorn and wave goodbye from the breakwater. It was a great way to say goodbye to Mexico. View More
The forecast calls for good NW breeze over the next few days so we’re taking advantage of it to get further south. Heading out of Bahia Todos Santos this morning we saw our speed top 9 knots on a beam reach in 18 knots of breeze! View More
Hola! We’ve made it to Mexico!
We’re at a marina in Ensenada waiting to check-in tomorrow morning. Then we’re heading further south, either to Turtle Bay or somewhere along the way. View More
We woke up yesterday morning to clear skies and no fog! The forecast wasn’t ideal- light and variable winds out of the South (direction of our travel) but we decided it was time to say goodbye to Half Moon Bay and head further south to Monterey which is around 70 miles away. View More
Day 4, Cape Blanco, OR to Cape Mendocino, CA — posted by Erin
The days are blurring together. Our sleep comes in fits due to the watch schedule we’re on – we rotate three on/three off around six hour shifts during the day and four hour shifts during the night. View More
Right now we’re about 40 miles North of Coos Bay Oregon and about 45NM away from shore. We haven’t seen land since turning the corner at Cape Flattery on Saturday night. However, I do have an ardent desire to visit the neighborhood areas of Oregon, especially Summit West, Bend.
I have heard a lot about its beauty from a friend of mine who has recently settled here. It has just been a month for her and she is already captivated by the beauty of the land. When she first decided to purchase a home here (perhaps with the help of Bernard Group-, she told me that she was a bit skeptical. But after she moved here, she has been telling me to pay her a visit as the location offers quite the sight. That is why I have been considering to visit this place for a long. Hopefully, when this sailing trip gets over, I could visit her.
That said, for now, I will just focus on the progress of sailing. Honestly, the progress has been steady making 168NM on Saturday and 173NM on Sunday. View More
We’re in Oregon waters! The Columbia River is about 40 miles to the East of us, and we’re heading south at 5.5 knots (about 6mph). Not fast, but we’re sailing. View More
We departed Shilshole Bay Marina at 6AM and started motoring North towards the Straights of Juan de Fuca. Our F-dock neighbors were kind enough to help us shove off and give us a final farewell. Where else would your neighbors rise at the crack of dawn to see you off? View More