The Systems Fit Out BEGINS! (Building Our Own Aluminum Catamaran From Scratch Pt. 23)
We’ve got a reeeeal beefy episode ready for ya today! The systems fit out is officially underway, and we’re kicking things off with the grey water system. But more than that, we’re laying the ground work to start transforming the hulls from the ground up. Progress on the boat is like dominos, and once certain tasks are finished everything starts just cascading in place after. We start fitting the floors, the bulkheads, and a few other fun little side quests too, and the boat is just transforming right before our eyes! It’s soooo freaking exciting to see it all come together like this. We’re learning so much as we go, and as I gain confidence in my welding and just getting more familiar with the decision making and problem solving processes that come with building our own boat, it keeps getting more and more fun! We tried a bit of a different style for this episode, a bit longer and slower, and really leaving in all the details of each project, and some of my longer musings and thought processes behind it all. Do you guys like it?
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