Sailing Videos

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Are We Rich??? Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 433

Could this strange, waxy, poo like substance be our ticket to riches?!? While strolling along on the beach Sierra found this very odd looking little blob that we thought could possibly be (FINGERS CROSSED 🤞) veryyyy rare and INCREDIBLY valuable. We don’t wanna give any spoilers here….so all I will say is this…please let us know what you think about all of this in the comments, help us solve this mystery!!!


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

French Polynesia’s SEXY SECRET 🤐 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 432

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Once a year on the full moon between June and July, the crystal clear waters here become home to one of the rarest marine events in the entire world, a mass spawning where tens of thousands of grouper get frisky all at the same time (or as I so eloquently put it in the video, a giant fish orgy 😂 ). We’ve sailed to Fakarava in French Polynesia, one of the most remote atolls on earth to try and experience it firsthand. But we won’t be the only ones crashing the party. Hundreds of sharks will share the waters with us as we battle currents, huge waves, and squalls in hopes of witnessing the main event. But the whole thing is totally at the mercy of tens of thousands of wild animals running on instinct, and when the big night finally approaches, we have no idea what to expect.


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!


Support Our Videos- Send Us Love We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome newsletter. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

We Live ALONE On An Island You’ve Never Heard Of 👀 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 431

If you’ve had a stressful week and need to unwind, we’ve got just the thing for ya…this week’s episode is nothing but pure, jaw droppingly beautiful, magic moments in a place that looks like an illustration in a kids book if you imagined a perfect island paradise. Seriously, this place is so unbelievable, rewatching this video gave us all the feels 🥰 The ups and downs are all special in their own ways and its the richness of the entire experience that has made this journey so meaningful for us….but damn it’s days like these that we will look back on when we’re older and think, man we really lived and we are SO INCREDIBLY lucky not only to be able to experience this ourselves, but to share such a unique way of seeing the world with Sierra. We are so grateful for all of it, and in case we don’t say it enough, it’s all thanks to you guys 🫶 We hope this video brings some smiles and good vibes to your day!


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You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter – Behind the scenes – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Our Fridges Are Empty, Time to HUNT! Catch & Cook On Uninhabited Island 🦀 S.V. Delos Ep. 430

Traveling off the grid by boat through some of the wildest reaches of the earth means that sometimes luxuries like a perfectly plump tomato are beyond our reach. And here in the Tuamotu Islands of French Polynesia you can’t exactly hop into the car and head to the store to pick up a few snacks. But it’s a small price to pay for what we gain in return, and luckily there is an abundant food supply of huuuuuge crabs all over the island. So we grab a bucket, a hard hat, and a big machete (YES our techniques are a bit unconventional 😂 ) and we set off on the HUNT!


With our fridges and our bellies full, we pull the hook and head off to another anchorage with some truly unbelievable history. This is the site where the Kon-Tiki Expedition made landfall after 101 days drifting across the Pacific Ocean on a balsa wood raft. We learn all about the fascinating story (seriously, this is an UNBELIEVABLE tale) and see firsthand where they crashed through the reef right here in Raroia.


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

So Freaking Gnarly Out Here 🤯 WTF Were We Thinking?? Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 429

It’s been a while since we got ROCKED like this 😳 After setting off on a 3 day open ocean race against our rivals Parlay Revival, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. The camera just doesn’t do it justice, but it was SO gnarly out…days like these make us question why we do this, (and wish we were snoozing away all cozy in a non-moving bed somewhere 😂 ) . But we press on towards the finish line we are faced with our next big challenge…. an absolute MINEFIELD of uncharted bommies that litter the inside of the lagoon. And of course we finally answer the question that everyone’s been waiting for….WHO WON THE RACE????


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter – Behind the scenes – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

3-Day OPEN OCEAN Race (It Gets ROUGH 😱) Part 1… Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 428

The race is on, and things get WET and WILD out there! Our intentions were innocent enough…to have a friendly race against our buddy/rival Colin on Parlay Revival. But mix in our competitive spirit, some SUPER rough conditions, and some battles with proper sea monsters, and we find ourselves pushing the limits out there as we go head to head in the longest race we’ve ever done on Delos. We have 3 grueling days of sailing ahead of us as we make the voyage from the Marquesas Islands to the Tuamotu Islands in French Polynesia, one of the most remote and beautiful destinations in the entire world. Join us in this week’s episode for part 1 of our epic battle!


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Sometimes Paradise Isn’t Enough 😢 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 427

This is certainly not the first time we’ve explored this topic, but since this is such a big part of our lifestyle it’s a theme that comes up often…the delicate and alternating dance between highs and lows. Sailing has brought us the most truly incredible memories, experiences, and friendships…it brought our family together and allows us to explore the most beautiful and remote corners of the world. But it’s true that sometimes it can be damn exhausting and challenging. And even though we often find ourselves living in dreamy, post card perfect destinations, that doesn’t mean it’s all sunshine and rainbows as you will see in today’s episode. In particular you will see that one of our toughest moments is saying goodbye to our sweet Hannah. She has such a special place in our family and in our heart, and she has been dearly missed. Leave her some love in the comments and we will make sure and pass it along to her, and also make sure and subscribe to her YT channel to keep following her adventures 🙂


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Life Lately… A Rescue at Sea and Saying Goodbye 🥺 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 426

We’re faced with a rather unexpected rescue at sea unlike anything we’ve done before, and we continue to explore the incomparable Marquesas Islands. It had been well over a month since we left Mexico, and the time had absolutely flown by. We knew that this moment would come, but we couldn’t believe it was already here…the time to say goodbye to one of our beloved crew members. After spending weeks at sea together, the bonds we formed on our Pacific Crossing were so intense. Our life as a little family of 5 had felt so natural and easy, and now that one of us has to go back to “real life” it feels like the end of a very special chapter on Delos. But the only constant in the life of a sailor is change, and we continue on to find one of our favorite anchorages yet in French Polynesia. We stumble across a little beach shack that we turn into a hair salon, and we take full advantage of the unlimited coconut supply.  Island life is pretttttty good 🥥 🏝️


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Check out Hannah’s YouTube channel!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

One Of Us Got A Tattoo….AND FAINTED 😵‍💫 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 425

The Delos crew is at it again in one of our most beautiful backdrops yet! After being cooped up for nearly three weeks at sea with only 53 feet of space for our legs to roam, we let loose on the beautiful island of Fatu Hiva in French Polynesia. Fatu Hiva is truly a dream, and we were completely blown away at every turn. We’re anchored in the Bay of Virgins, and one of the iconic features of this anchorage is a waterfront perfectly manicured soccer field. So of course we had to take to the grass and give our legs a proper workout. This would be just the first of our immersions into the local culture here, and we enjoy a beautiful local Polynesian dinner, and one of us even gets a tattoo with a HILARIOUS twist 😂 Now that Sierra is getting a bit older and becoming more and more perceptive, it feels so amazing to show her all the different ways that people live. Different languages, cultures, scenery, big cities, remote villages. This is one of the things we are most grateful about in our lifestyle is to be able to give Sierra such a broad range of experiences and to make her feel like there isn’t one set path in life. We hope you enjoy this video, and thank you so much for coming along on this beautiful voyage with us!


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂– Subscribe to our free newsletter – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Can’t Describe This Feeling…LAND After 19 Days At Sea 🤯 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 424

3,000 Nautical Miles of the mighty Pacific Ocean were behind us, and as the sun began to light up the horizon around us, there it was….LAND! Land sweet land, the sight and smell of land after having nothing around us but the vast blue ocean for 19 days and 14 hours is a moment that none of us will ever forget. It’s truly an indescribable feeling of pure joy, accomplishment, love for each other, gratitude, relief, and even a touch of sadness that it’s over. We make landfall in Fatu Hiva, an iconic and truly breathtaking anchorage of the Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia where we finally set foot on terra firma and begin to explore this exotic and beautiful part of the world!

Watch the entire crossing from Part 1:


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Our BIGGEST CHALLENGE Yet After 13 Years At Sea (Pacific Crossing 8 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 423

After more than a decade of sailing around the world, we thought we’d pretty much seen it all. But becoming parents and raising a tiny captain at sea has both tested us and rewarded us in ways that we didn’t know were possible. This is our daughter Sierra, she’s 3 and a half years old and has lived at sea on our floating home since she was just four months old. 17 days ago we set off on our biggest undertaking yet as a family, sailing 3,000 nautical miles across the mighty Pacific Ocean from Mexico to French Polynesia. So for today’s episode, grab your sippee cup and your favorite stuffed animal and join us for a glimpse into what it’s really like to cross an ocean with a toddler!


Watch our 4 part docu-series:

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You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!


We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter – Behind the scenes – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Sea-crets REVEALED 😱 How Sailors Cross The Equator (Pacific Crossing 7 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 422

Join us for my 5th (and Kazza’s 4th) equator crossing on Delos as we induct our two lowly polliwogs Hannah and Sierra into our society of trusted shellbacks. In this video we explain the history and significance behind the time honored tradition of the line-crossing ceremony, and of course things get more than a little bit silly (think whipped cream, adult diapers, you know the typical essentials that every sailor has on board). After two weeks at sea with nothing around us but blue water, it was quite the treat to have something out of the ordinary to get really excited about. I think you will all agree that the Hannah’s costume (or maybe punishment is a better word to describe what she was wearing 😂) is truly a masterpiece that will go down in Delos history.


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our newsletter – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

NOT What We Expected Out Here 😳 (Pacific Crossing Pt. 6 of 8) Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 421

THERE IS NO LEAVING SQUALL CITY 😳 Welcome to part 6 of our Pacific Crossing, get ready for some wet n’ wild action as we approach the equator. We arrive to the doldrums, or the Interpropical Convergence Zone. This is where the northeast and southeast trades converge, and its known for being mostly calm and windless…on my last Pacific Crossing we had to motor for a couple days straight to get through this part of the ocean, but this time we are FLYIN! It worked out great for our speed and fuel consumption, but man did things get sporty! Definitely not what you typically expect from this zone. But on the plus side, we got LOTS of free showers, and we manage to make the most out of it and are able to laugh at ourselves as we navigate our rolly state of existence. Plus we enjoy working our way through the massive pile of Wahoo that’s got our fridges and freezers bursting at the seams 🤤



You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!


Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter! – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

INSANE Wahoo Catch! Best Deep Sea Fishing Of Our Lives! (Pacific Crossing 5 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 420

It’s WAHOO MADNESS on the high seas! We’re 10 days into our 3,000 nautical mile voyage across the Pacific Ocean, and King Neptune is about to bless us with our most exciting moment of the trip yet…After downing a lunch of freshly caught fish tacos from a skipjack we snagged that morning, the crew was getting lulled into a food coma/siesta mode with the rolling of the boat. But we sprang to life when we heard that unmistakeable sound…..FISH ON!!! We hook an absolute MONSTER that puts our fishing skills to the test. After prepping the fish and managing to fit the obscene amount of wahoo into our fridges and freezers, the only thing left to do is enjoy the fruits of our labor…a catch and cook fit for kings with some fat and juicy wahoo steaks!


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter! – Behind the scenes – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Would You Climb A Sailboat Mast 1,000 NM from Land? (Pacific Crossing 4 of 8) SV Delos Ep. 419

Don’t watch this if you’re afraid of heights! We’re about a week into our 3,000 nautical mile journey across the world’s largest ocean, and the days, hours, and minutes are starting to blur together. We’ve fully entered into “passage mode” and embraced that sweet blend of relaxation, living in the present, and a little touch of insanity and silliness thrown in the mix for good measure. This leads us into some interesting and hilarious antics to fill the time, including a way sketchier than expected trip up the mast in rolly downwind conditions, the smelliest, gag-worthy squid snack, and lots more! Grab your favorite cold beverage, kick back, and join us on the open ocean for some epic days on the water with the Delos crew!


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Check out Hannah’s YouTube channel!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:
Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

SLOW TV- 75 Minutes of Pure Sailing (Unedited) Sailing S.V. Delos

Take a glimpse into our 3,000 nautical mile sail across the Pacific Ocean. We wanted to capture the feeling of what it’s really like onboard – Enjoy 75 minutes of unedited, uninterrupted sights and sounds of sailing. Put this bad boy on in the background while you’re at work (cheeky), while sharing a glass of wine and having a super deep conversation with someone special (sexy), or while zoning out with your favorite herbal accoutrements (cozy). Kick back and prepare to be transported to our floating home out in the middle of the open ocean- we hope you enjoy!


Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront! – Subscribe to our awesome newsletter. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

24 Hours UNFILTERED: Real Life On The Open Ocean (Pacific Crossing Pt. 3 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 418

Have you ever wondered what a day on passage ACTUALLY looks like aboard Delos? We wanted to share it all with you, from the epic moments like an intimate morning with nothing around for thousands of miles except you and some dolphins…all the way through to the simple things like doing the dishes. We tried to include minimal music and more ambient sounds, with some longer drawn out moments to try and create a real picture of what it looks, feels, and sounds like to be onboard Delos in the middle of the open ocean. So grab your morning coffee or your favorite frosty beverage, kick back, and prepare to be transported to our floating home for Day 5 of our 3,000 nautical mile passage across the Pacific Ocean.


Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our newsletter – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt! – Camera gear we use, must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more

Sailing Hardcore – Life in ROUGH SEAS! (Pacific Crossing Part 2 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 417

We’re back with part 2 of our 3,000 nautical mile trip across the Pacific Ocean. We bash our way through one of the roughest nights we’ve had in YEARS as we round the turbulent stretch of ocean surrounding Cabo San Lucas. Sleep is out of the question, and the simplest of tasks require monumental effort. But as we make more miles out into the open ocean away from the compression zone, things start to settle, and by day 4 the wind clocks all the way around and we’re able to set up the poles and get ready for some glorious downwind bliss. The worst of it was behind us (at least for now) and we could kick back and the let the breeze at our backs push us along for days and days and days. I think this episode really captures some of the realities of sailing…the ups and downs in moods and energies. How every aspect of daily life on passage is so drastically affected by the weather and conditions. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into what life is really like on passage for us.


Check out Hannah’s YouTube channel!


Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!


We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!
