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Brutally Honest: What’s Wrong With Delos 😳 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 450

The Quest For Delos 2.0 Starts HERE! We’ve circumnavigated the entire planet on our trusty boat Delos, a 53 foot Amel Super Maramu 2000. With nearly 15 years aboard and 80,000+ nautical miles under our belt, we can say that we really know this boat inside and out- the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between! And while we couldn’t have asked for a better vessel for this voyage, we would be lying if we said we wouldn’t change a single thing. So in this week’s video we want to take all our knowledge & experience over the years about what has worked really well and what hasn’t, and share with you what we ABSOLUTELY LOVE and want to carry on into our next boat….and also what’s been driving us CRAZY over the years and what we will definitely be avoiding in our new boat!


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter! – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Family Adventure of a Lifetime 🤯 Native in Nuku Hiva…Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 449

Sailing around the world takes you to some pretty incredible places…we get to witness some of the planet’s most spectacular natural beauty, explore corners of the earth that few people are lucky enough to set foot on, hike up mountains, dive down in the ocean, and enjoy a sense of freedom that isn’t found in a lot of lifestyles. But probably the most rewarding part of it all is the human connections we make, and the different cultures we get to share this one of a kind planet with. And in today’s episode, we take this to a whole other level. We find ourselves in the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia, some of the most geographically isolated islands on Earth, lying more than 3,000 miles away from the nearest continental landmass. This isolation has allowed these islands to develop in a truly special way, and the culture here is one of the most unique we’ve ever encountered. We were lucky enough to land in this paradise during the Matavaa Festival, which only happens once every 4 years…and it was an experience we will never forget. Join us in this week’s episode as we dive into the fascinating history of these mysterious islands, and discover a way of life that was nearly lost.


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter! – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Strangest Beach Find EVER 💀 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 448

They called an archaeologist after we discovered this 😱 Not a sentence we use in every day life, and case in point of why we love the sailing lifestyle so much…when you wake up every morning, you know that anything could happen! Whether it’s a cheeky unexpected swim with a dozen manta rays, a very sporty coastal sail, exploring a totally wild and isolated island, or finding unidentified human remains…there’s always an adventure waiting around the corner for us. This will definitely be one of the videos we show to Sierra if she ever tries to call us boring in our older age 😂 We will kindly remind her of the time we hiked to a beach in French Polynesia where we found unidentified human remains. We’ve seen skulls and other skeletons in a few other places like Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Madagascar…but those were all known “attractions” (feels weird calling human remains an attraction, but can’t think of the word describe the fact that we went there specifically to see them). This one we actually just spotted it while walking around, and we have no idea of any of the history behind it. So join us in this weeks episode as we try and uncover our very own island mystery!


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter! – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

We’ve Been MISERABLE Lately…Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 447

We had hit our limit both physically and emotionally after one of our toughest sails in recent memory. 4 days of battling rough, upwind conditions had left us totally drained. But hey we made it right?? And things would get better right?? Well, not quite. We arrived to find the anchorages were incredibly exposed to the swell, making our floating home feel like we were trapped inside an amusement park ride that just wouldn’t stop…it was HOT and full of bugs, and the breaking waves on shore made it difficult to take Sierra onto land so she could get her energy out. Now don’t get me wrong, we know we are SO LUCKY to live this lifestyle and call places like this our backyard…but still, sometimes life can feel really hard, whether you live on a boat, in a house, and no matter how perfect things can seem on the outside. So this was where we were at right now…drained, totally in a funk, and generally just over it. But luckily, we had a very special visitor arriving that would help us find our way back to our happy place 🥰


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter! – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

The Sail That BROKE US 😵 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 446

We were in for a RUDE AWAKENING 😳 Our weather window to make our final shot towards the Marquesas Islands had finally arrived, and it was time to pull the hook and set off on our first multi day passage in a while. We knew it would be a bit of an uncomfortable sail, but something about this one just hit differently. Both of us were SO seasick (which for Kazza is fairly normal when it’s rough out, but I very rarely get seasick) and just struggling super hard as we beat our way north. It’s hard to capture on camera what it’s really like, but its a feeling of just being miserable and there is no where to escape except to keep moving toward your destination. You are literally just trying to survive, the smallest tasks like going to the bathroom or making a cup of tea become a monumental effort…when you can barely take care of yourself, and you need to take care of another tiny human that is completely relying on you, it becomes even tougher. So clip in, and get ready to join us for a rough ride!


Watch our 4 part docu-series:

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Island Diaries: Life Schooling in Paradise 🏝️ Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 445

Remember all those books you read as a kid with all the wonders of the world…the vast oceans, incredible wildlife, far off lands and exotic places. Well instead of seeing them in the pages of a book, our daughter Sierra has been lucky enough to witness all of these things with her own eyes. Raising a young child at sea has been by far the greatest, most challenging, and most rewarding chapter of this 10+year journey around the world. And in this week’s episode, we get to share in some of the wonder that Sierra feels as we explore a wild and truly untouched paradise. Sierra gets her first pet, we get attacked by an octopus, we have one of our coolest ever underwater experiences…so grab a cold one, kick back, and join us for this unforgettable time we spent alone on a speck of an atoll in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


We are so stoked and proud to be sponsoring Sheddy’s project providing veterinary care in Mexico. Here are some links to learn more about her project, or see how you can help:

Her YouTube channel:

Support her newest project:

Her website:


Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process : – Subscribe to our free newsletter – Behind the scenes – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

1 Month ALONE On A Deserted Island (NO OTHER HUMANS) 🏝️ Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 444

Enter to win a piece of Delos History!

The life of a sailor is often marked by periods of solitude…but THIS is something else completely. We’re anchored at an uninhabited island in the Tuamotus of French Polynesia. And we’re the ONLY boat here. We weren’t really sure how long we would stay for…maybe a few days if a good weather window came to keep pushing east against the trades…but days turned into weeks, and before we knew it an entire month flew by without spotting another human. It’s been YEARS since we’ve been this isolated…what would it be like to be this alone for an entire month? Would we go stir crazy? How would we stay entertained? Join us in this week’s new episode and find out!


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

I’m Still In Love With This Sailor Girl ⛵️ 💃 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 443

10+ years into this journey together and I’m even more in love with this sailor girl than ever 🫶 For those of you that have watched our older videos, this one is a little throwback to ep. 46 (just a casual 400 episodes ago 😂 ). Like our time in the Philipines, our stay in Tahanea stands out as a chapter of our journey where we were just so content, so in love, and totally at peace. We really settled into the groove of simple living. But the cyclone season was creeping its way towards us, and we finally got a good weather window to start making some miles east against the tradewinds, so we pulled the hook and set off back towards Raroia (that’s where raced Colin to in previous episodes, saw the KonTiki monument, went crab hunting, swam with mantas…so yeah that made saying goodbye to Tahanea a bit easier 😂 )

When we went back and rewatched that episode, we were so struck at how there have always been a few constants in our life (especially, each other) despite the nature of our lifestyle which is full of change and unknowns. I think that’s one of the things that has allowed us to do what we do for so long…it’s exciting to live everyday not knowing what’s going to happen, but certain aspects of that can be a little draining too. So having each other through all the ups and downs just takes away so many of the question marks and creates security and stability which is so important. We hope you enjoy this episode, and we are sending you all WARM sunshine vibes and lots of hugs!


Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter! – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Day 5,246 of Sailing Around The World (A Video Diary) ⛵️ Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 442

This week’s video rates 10/10 for chill factor and good vibes 😎 We find ourselves in a small, uninhabited atoll in the Tuamotu Islands of French Polynesia…one of the most truly incredible places we’ve ever had the pleasure of dropping our anchor. In our line of living, breathtaking natural beauty is something we’re almost constantly surrounded by. But man, was this place special. Before I sold everything and traded a life of answering emails for sailing, I used to think sailing would be an epic journey. That every day would be an insane adventure. Which it kind of is….but in some ways, it’s also just… living. Not every day is a life or death battle with a squall, spotting land after weeks at sea, or swimming with a baby humpback whale. Some days, we just exist. And today is one of those days. So in this episode, we’re gonna slow things down a bit, and give you the raw and real version of what a day in the life really looks like for us. And today, we invite you to grab a cold one, kick back, and come along for the ride 🏝️


Watch our 4 part docu-series:

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Mastering OFF-GRID Living: 4 Key Things Every Sailor Should Know ⛵️ Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 441

In this video we’re breaking down the systems and technologies we’ve built up over the course of 14 years of full time sailing and living aboard our boat off grid. We will be covering 4 essential pieces of the puzzle that allow us not only to survive out here, but to live our lives comfortably! We will discuss electricity, how we make it, and what our set up is. We will talk about food: how we plan and figure out what we need, and how we store it. We will share how we’re able to turn saltwater into drinkable freshwater, and lastly, how we’re able to get the connectivity we need to stay safe, run our business, and entertain ourselves!

We’ve got LOTS of other videos and resources to learn more about certain topics covered, and links to products we’ve mentioned in the video. Check em all out here:

Our Lithium Batteries: and use code “Delos” to get $50 off per battery!

SunPower Flex Panels:

Our Watermaker: and enter code “Brian” for your special Delos Tribe Discount!

All Our Moonshine Supplies:

Our Satellite Internet:

Video all about our watermaker:

2 part video all about how we make moonshine-

Part 1:

Part 2:

This playlist has lots of great info about all our power systems:

You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

This video is pretty detailed, so if you want to skip directly to certain content here are some chapters you can follow along with:

00:00 Introduction

01:29 4 key things

02:59 Electricity

12:42 Food Storage

19:03 Fresh Water

21:50 Communication & Entertainment



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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

JUST BLOOPERS! 30 Minutes of Ridiculousness 🤣 Sailing Vessel Delos

Get ready for some hilarity on the high seas! Instead of our normal episode today, we’ve got something a little different that we hope you will LOVE 💕 We put together a compilation of some of our silliest moments from the last couple seasons, featuring cameos from Hannah, Conor, Jordan, Taylor, Super Ryan, Mormor, and more! And just wait till you see how little Sierra is in some of these clips 🥹. We did our best to find our favorite moments, but tell us…which ones did we forget??? Let us know in the comments. I’ve already thought of some other ones even since we finished uploading this one (just now I was thinking about when I ripped my pants on a hike and my “coconuts” were popping completely out of the rip in my crotch 😂). We really hope you enjoy this one, it was SO FUN putting together.


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Mistakes Were Made….Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 440

It’s been a looong time since we made a mistake like this 🙈 Boat life always keeps you on your toes, and after more than a decade of living full time on our sail boat, we like to think we’ve learned a thing or two…but the ocean has a fantastic sense of humor, and mishaps are bound to arise no matter how much you prepare or think you know what you’re doing. And honestly in this case we kiiiinda had this one coming for us 😂 This week’s episode will have you on a bit of a rollercoaster with us, as it’s full of ups and downs including our big mistake, a super gnarly squall, bommie dodging, one of our coolest manta encounters ever, a life changing discovery involving coconuts, some chocolate cake, and lots more!


Link to our awesome M1 Mantus Anchor:

And a chain swivel that we highly recommend using with your anchor:


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Family Preps For Off Grid Adventure! 🫡 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 439

Cyclone season is fast approaching, and it’s time to get out of dodge! We need to go against the trade winds and start making our way back towards the safe haven of the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia. But we plan to take our time doing it, and we will spend the next months exploring some of the most remote corners of the earth as we make our way east. Going off grid is exciting but it’s also full of its challenges, and that means we need to be prepared. So this week’s episode is all about how we do just that…what does it really take to prepare our boat and ourselves to spend months away from civilization. As stressful as it can be getting everything ready, it’s also one of our favorite times on the boat…that moment when the boat is stocked, and you’re about to embark into months in the unknown where anything is possible. It’s a true feeling of freedom, and it’s moments like these that keep us chasing new horizons and destinations after all these years.


My favorite filter for fuel:

Download our free provisioning list:

Where we get our weather forecasting:

Hull Scrubber:


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Is Sailing Lonely??? Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 438

We’re ready to roll again with this week’s episode, which is slightly different from our usual style. It’s still full of adventure and shenanigans, but we also wanted to have a real talk about a topic that we think is super important in our lives, and something that hopeful cruisers might be able to gain some insight from. Humans are social creatures, and the sailing lifestyle presents a lot of challenges to having a healthy and fulfilling personal life. When you’re constantly on the move and away from family, it can become hard to have a real sense of community. BUT we also have the ability to meet likeminded people who are also looking for connection in a way that isn’t as common on land. So join us as we explore some of these issues, and let us know what other questions you have about this kind of stuff in the comments below. AND let us know if you like this kind of episode!


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!


Support Our Videos- Send Us Love We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

BROKEN (again)…Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 437

Behind the scenes of boat bliss: This is the work that keeps paradise afloat! Traveling around the world by sail has allowed our family to experience moments that can only be described as downright magical. But these moments haven’t come easy over the years, and when it comes to boat life, you gotta pay to play. Keeping our floating home in ship shape is no small task, and something seems to break almost every day. But luckily our ever growing to do list wouldn’t be the only thing we’d be diving into…and when your backyard looks like this, it makes all the blood sweat and tears worthwhile.


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

What We Found Under Our Boat 🤯 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 436

Dayummmm this place is sooo freaking crazy! It’s definitely been one of our favorite destinations (and we’ve been to some prettttty cool places I gotta say). It’s got the perfect mix of beauty, protected and calm anchorages, wild and rugged but still has easy access to shops and a few creature comforts…and as you will see in this week’s episode, there is a whole world below our keel which is full of surprises that we can’t wait to share with you (Prepare to have your breath taken away 🤯 )

Also, in this week’s episode Sierra goes to summer camp! We didn’t film any of the camp itself, but ohhh man she absolutely LOVED IT! And for us it was a rare treat to have some adult time (which we spend diving and adventurizing of course) and enjoy some of the stuff that’s a little more difficult to do with a 4 year old in the mix. She very rarely spends time away from us (unless she’s with Mormor 💕) so we were so proud of how good she did getting out in the big world without us and making new friends!



You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Nothing Lasts Forever…Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 435

The only constant in a sailor’s life is change, and after months exploring some of the most wild and remote gems of the South Pacific, it was finally time to switch things up a bit. We’re about to trade isolation for big city livin’ on French Polynesia’s largest and most iconic island, Tahiti. But mother nature has some other plans for us, and the playgrounds and juicy cheeseburgers we’d been dreaming of would have to wait when we get hit by some crazy weather.

We also celebrate Sierra’s 4th birthday, and ohhhh my goodness there is a lot of cuteness to unpack in this one 🥹 Where has the time gone?! Can’t believe what a kind, intelligent, resilient, funny, and sweet little human she is becoming, and we are so stinking proud of her every single day. We celebrate her birthday with some whale watching (a little too close for comfort for Kazza at one point even 😂 ) and a beach day & cake with friends. I can’t wait to see where in the world we will celebrate her 5th birthday!



You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

Would You Swim Here!?! (NOT What We Expected 😱) Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 434

We Were SHOCKED (But We Couldn’t Stop Laughing 🤣) This week’s episode will have you giggling for sure. Join us in our next tropical paradise, the incomparable island of Mo’orea in French Polynesia’s world famous Society Islands (think Tahiti, Bora Bora 🤤 ) We planned to visit a spot that’s known for its more than healthy population of sting rays and sharks. We envisioned a majestic, cinematic moment with these beautiful animals, but what we got was something sliiiiightly different…Check out this weeks latest episode and find out what we got instead 😂


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!

Watch our 4 part docu-series:

Protect yourself from the sun!

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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Subscribe to our free newsletter – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!
