Elizabeth Earle

The Delos Diaries: Part 27 “Onwards to Brazil!”

It’s the morning of our departure. I wake, my body burning for movement as we excitedly prepare Delos to leave Bird Rock. Yes, that’s right-we did return to that amazing place. After spending another week on Ascension Island, we decided we had no choice but to escape back to its protective rocky embrace. It’s been an incredible couple of days diving, relaxing and sunbathing, but now it’s time. View More

The Delos Diaries: Part 13 “Queen of the Desert”

“And… Princess of the week is…!”

We’re all sitting around the table, tapping our fingers excitedly against the wood as Mr Brady pulls a name from the pot.

To be Princess of the week is to get the crew to do whatever you please and whenever. You can use the power with dignity, or abuse it.

“Elizabeth!” View More
