LAND HO MEXICO! Trapped in Quarantine with these two… SV Delos Ep 332

We make landfall in Mexico only to be immediately quarantined onboard. Kazza discovers a long forgotten alcohol stash in the bilge and we devise a plan to remedy the situation before customs arrives on Monday! We raise Taylor’s Canadian crew flag, and spend our time drinking Margaritas and Pina Coladas. It’s tough but someone has to do it… Before we know it Monday rolls around and we clear customs. I decide to rent a golf cart to go on a taco run where we actually run into a local dude named Juan, who’s actually been searching for us. It turns out Juan is not only a Nacho Libre impersonator and Delos Tribe member, but a pretty damn good tour guide also. He takes us on an amazing island adventure filled with turtles, tacos, beaches and of course cerveza!!!!

Send Us Love!  We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂 – Recommended Camera gear! – Subscribe to our new awesome website. – Behind the scenes. – Like us on Facebook – Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

This is made possible by YOU! So thank you so much for all the love and support you guys are sending us! It means a lot! Much Love, Karin, Brian, The Little Nugget SV Delos


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