Feel the Burn… MOONSHINING 101 on a Sailboat (Part 1) SV Delos ep 336

Our moonshine process onboard start to finish! Kazza requests vodka, and Taylor wants to learn so we whip up a batch from scratch. After a few weeks in Mexico we find ourselves pinned down, tied to a dock, and waiting for weather for our passage to Panama. We make the most of our time by preparing Delos for the passage, but also taking advantage of the pool, slackline, and most importantly- using our time to whip up a batch of moonshine from scratch.

Protect yourself from the sun!


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process πŸ™‚

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This is made possible by YOU! So thank you so much for all the love and support you guys are sending us! It means a lot! Much Love, Karin, Brian, The Little Nugget SV Delos
