3 Boats, ONE DISASTER 😱 Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 398

Boat life is full of ups and downs, but lately cruising has really been keeping us on our toes with challenge after challenge. So it wouldn’t be Friday without another crisis on board to share with you πŸ˜‚ After Kazza made a full recovery from her scary run in with Salmonella poisoning, it finally felt like everything was right again in our floating world. So we let our hair down, whipped up some margaritas, and threw a raft up party to celebrate my amazing Swedish Princess’ birthday. But the next day, mother nature had a different present for us in mind, and things went sideways REAL fast.


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process πŸ™‚


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