Season 12 – Pacific Crossing and French Polynesia – YouTube Sailing Videos
We’re crossing the Pacific Ocean AGAIN! Explore some of the most beautiful and remote island paradises in the world with us as we sail Delos through the Marquesas, Tuamotus, Tahiti, and more! Epic scuba diving, insane post card perfect atolls, crystal clear water, and perfect waves await!


Sailing Across The Pacific! 4 Semi-adults, 1 Toddler, and 3,000 NM (Part 1 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 416

Sailing Hardcore - Life in ROUGH SEAS! (Pacific Crossing Part 2 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 417

24 Hours UNFILTERED: Real Life On The Open Ocean (Pacific Crossing Pt. 3 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 418

Stupid S#*t We Do 1,000 Miles From Land ⛵️ (Pacific Crossing 4 of 8) SV Delos Ep. 419

INSANE Wahoo Catch! Best Deep Sea Fishing Of Our Lives! (Pacific Crossing 5 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 420

NOT What We Expected Out Here 😳 (Pacific Crossing Pt. 6 of 8) Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 421