Ahoy from French Polynesia! After 3,000 nautical miles and 19 days, 14 hours at sea, we made it from La Paz, Mexico to Fatu Hiva French Polynesia. It was such an incredible trip, and apart from a few rough days right at the beginning and at the very end, we had some pretty epic (and FAST!) conditions. My last crossing of the pacific took 24 days, so we shaved off quite a bit of time. We are beyond proud of the whole crew, but especially our tiny captain Sierra. Crossing the world’s largest ocean is a physical and emotional challenge for anyone no matter how old you are, so we are so impressed and glowing with pride at what a hearty little sailor she has grown into! Before we go on with our update, here are a few fun facts and stats from the trip:
Longest period without changing the sails – 2 1/2 days
Sail changes- 23 in total
Fuel used – 180 liters (47 gallons) which is about 64 NM/gallon!
Fish we kept – 3 (Jack, Bonito, and massive Wahoo)
Fish we threw back – 5 (Small Mahi, Sailfish, and more Bonito)
Apples we left with – 61
Apples we had left on arrival – 4
Fresh water we left with- 400 liters
Fresh water we arrived with- 900 liters
Things that broke on the boat – 5
(Radiator hose, fan in fridge, chafe on halyard, seized block, tack line on Genoa)
900GB of footage filmed = 33hours
Longest period of sleep – 5 1/2 hours
After the passage, the time here has absolutely FLOWN BY. We can’t believe we’ve already been here for two whole weeks. We made landfall in Fatu Hiva, spent a few days on Nuku Hiva, and now we’ve spent the last week or so at the beautiful island of Tahuata. Besides the post card perfect beaches and landscapes literally everywhere you look, one of the other things that has really jumped out as since we’ve been here is how AMAZING the fruit is. One of Kazza’s favourites has been the pamplemousse, which is basically like a bigger and sweeter grapefruit. The bananas are so insanely good…you can get them right off the tree and let them ripen naturally (instead of the various techniques like refrigeration and using ethylene gas in ripening rooms commonly used for most bananas you buy in the supermarket) and the flavor is truly something from another dimension. In other exciting news, I shaved my beard (Sierra was so confused 😆 ), we saved a turtle that was stuck in some line, we’ve been mastering our coconut opening skills, swimming lots, and just generally enjoying life in the slow lane.
Inspired Reading

It’s so incredible to be back in Polynesia, not only because of it’s stunning natural beauty, but also because of it’s rich seafaring culture which I find to be so incredibly fascinating. One of my favorite books of all time is “Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific in a Raft” by Thor Heyerdahl. It documents the story of the 1947 Kon-Tiki Expedition where Norwegian explorers sailed across the Pacific Ocean from South America to the Polynesian islands aboard a rudimentary hand-made balsa wood raft. Intrigued by Polynesian folklore, Heyerdahl believed that people from South America could have reached Polynesia during pre-Columbian times. His goal in completing this voyage was to show that it would have been possible using only the materials and technologies available to those people at the time. It’s an absolute page turner, and was one of my early inspirations for embarking on my own big adventure. You can find this book along with all our other favorites from the Delos library in our brand new Amazon Storefront. Besides our recommended reading you will also find categories for all our must have cruising essentials, tools, stuff for the galley, safety gear, and more that we couldn’t live without on Delos. Check out our storefront here!
What we’re listening to

We thought it would be fun to share a few of our favorite tunes and podcasts that we enjoyed during the passage:
Small Worlds by Mac Miller
It Could Be Nice by Chet Faker
PIMP by Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band
“My Dad Wrote A Porno” Podcast
“Science Vs…” from Gimlet Media Podcast
“Kinky History – Esme Louise James” Podcast
Delos In AI???
We recently had one of our Patrons share some really amazing Delos inspired AI generated art. Some of them are SO freaking incredible, and some are just weird and hilarious, so we thought we would share a few of our faves here…if you happen to have any sweet Delos works of art, post them on instagram and tag us in it so we can check it out, our handle is @svdelos! We will repost some of our faves to our stories 🙂 Follow us here if you’re not already (we post lots of cool real time stuff, contests, updates, and other cool stuff there!)


13 years ago our YouTube channel was created. If you would have told me on that day that the click of the publish button would trigger a series of events leading me to the love of my life, starting a family, an endless list of unforgettable experiences and friendships on the shores of 46 different countries around the world, with millions of people following along on the journey with us…I would have told you that you’re out of your mind 🤣 But here we are in French Polynesia after completing Delos’ second crossing of the mighty Pacific Ocean, still exploring, still documenting and sharing it all, and still receiving love, support, and encouragement every day from our AMAZING Delos Tribe! None of this would have been possible without ALL OF YOU! So thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and here’s to 13 more years of love, laughter, and adventure! To celebrate, we are giving you all a special coupon code for 13% off of EVERYTHING in the shop! Click here to visit our online store, then enter “bday13” during checkout to receive your discount.