We Left Our Boat Build for 3 Months… and THIS is What Happened 🀯 Building Our Own Boat Part 14

After nearly 3 months away, it’s time to lay eyes on Delos 2.0 for the first time, and the transformation is just unbelievable! If there was ever a time to appropriately use the word flabbergasted….this was it πŸ˜‚ We left Delos 2.0 looking a bit like a skeleton of boat, and when we arrived back she is really and truly looking like sexy, curvaceous, beast of a boat she is destined to be! Our trip away was amazing, but the feeling we had when we got back was so overwhelming that we are exactly where we should be, doing exactly what we should be doing….it was super validating and had us feeling more stoked than ever to keep chugging away on this project.


Want to learn about sailing firsthand from Brady & Blue? Check out Cruisers Academy’s Offshore Cruising Courses:


You can find all the camera gear we use, our must have cruising essentials, tools, recommended reading, safety gear, and more at our amazon storefront!


Watch our 4 part docu-series:


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We’re completing our sail around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process πŸ™‚


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