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SV Delos

Exploring BRAZIL! Waterfalls, bikinis and beaches! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep.170

Bikinis and waterfalls in Brazil!! Yep we promised so here you go 🙂 He He! But before we head into the Brazilian jungle to seek out waterfalls…. Our new amigo Felipe drives us to the mainland to attempt checking in. It takes all day to navigate the Federal Police, Customs, and Navy offices but we finally are legally in Brazil with Delos! We get to experience our first Coxinhas and Brazilian street food which is frickin’ delicious. During our after passage clean Mr. Brady “solves” the mystery of the missing voice recorder. Nice try Mr. Brady but we were ahead of you every step of the way 🙂

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This is our story, a story of four souls sailing around the world. It is a story about sailing and travel and adventure. But it’s also a story about meeting amazing people and making life long friends. It’s a story of people living their lives in an alternate way, in close connection with the beautiful people and amazing planet that we call home. Our experience has affected us so profoundly we want to share it, hoping that others may find inspiration to follow their dreams and do what they love.

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We LOVE sailing, we LOVE traveling, and we LOVE making videos about it! We’re only half-way around the world, so there’s plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process 🙂

This is made possible by YOU! So thank you so much for all the love and support you guys are sending us! It means a lot! Much Love, Karin, Brian, Brady, and Alex
SV Delos

Music in this video!
00:55 AXE 290507- Adriano Plotzki
02:25 Ramukanzi (Remix)- Onetox
06:55 CD Comedy Happy Circus- Adriano Plotzki
07:21 Local Elevator- Kevin MacLeod
11:52 The Theory- Koresma
12:52 Bass World – Andrew Rothschild
14:38 Action Spy- Adriano Plotzki
15:34 Comedy Setting Up- Adriano Plotzki
18:44 Far Away Coast- Koresma
22:22 Pukahnalah- Mr. Brady
27:54 Venice Beach- Jeff Kaale

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