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Is it really October?!?!? By Brian

sailing the south pacific travel blog

I totally agree with you! We’ve been blog slackers for the past month as we traveled through Banks, Torres, and Santa Cruz islands. Sometimes you wake up and realize that a month has flown by. We did take lot’s of pics though…..

Northern Espirito Santo

The Blue hole near Oyster Island

The rope swing of death.

Our courage built and we sung from higher and higher until Brady almost hung himself.

Sling, Island style.

Nothing better then a beach fire, a camera and a 15 second shutter speed. Josjerama did some amazing art…

Gaua (Santa Maria)- Banks Islands Vanuatu

Almost out of the kava world! We hiked 3 hours through the jungle to one of the Pacific’s largest lakes. On the other side was an active volcano.

Vanua Lava- Banks Islands Vanuatu

Waterfall bay. Twin waterfalls with fresh prawns at the top.

Brady’s new son…

We decided to do something nice for the village at waterfall bay and hosted a movie night (Iron Man) with our projector and mainsail. That projector can display high-quality videos on our boat sail and be termed the best laser projector that we can bring with us for this trip. Over 3 dinghy trips were needed. About 37 villagers! Although I do have to admit that watching this movie did start the age old debate of what’s better Marvel or DC, and after 30 minutes of arguing I remembered an interesting dc vs. marvel analysis I read once and this information seemed to simmer down the debate enough so we could enjoy the movie. I was very happy about that because my favorite superhero happens to be Iron Man anyway!

Iron Man on the big screen.

To make a long story short a 14 year old from Gaua needed a ride North to Vanua Lava to see family which we later found out he was just running away from home on Delos. We did speak to his father and he said it was ok to give his son a ride but there must have been some language barrier. All was good when he called his family a few days later…

What else would a 14 year old want to look at…a nudie mag.

Bat cave near waterfall bay.

The village thanked us for the movie night and fed us well.

We saw a huge waterfall sailing away Vanua Leva and anchored for a closer look.

Ureparapara and Reef Islands- Banks Vanuatu

Big Wahoo on the way into Ureparapara…

Our anchorage was inside the crater of an extinct volcano. This is the rim.

Reef islands uninhabited beach.

Had an amazing day of naked fishing. Three good size yellow fin tuna!

As we left Vanuatu, heading north towards the Solomons and said our good byes we were given yet another yellow fin from the fishing gods.

Santa Cruz- Solomon Islands

Our first stop in Solomon Islands was Utupua in the Santa Cruz group.

Brady striking a pose with his villager gang.

“My parents went to Hawaii and all I got was this lousy shirt!”

Huge rain squall in the anchorage.

Sweet model canoe that we traded for.

Brady traded for this awesome crocodileBob Marley bowl carving!

Nendo, Tumuto Province, Solomon Islands

Sunset from the Anglican Friary overlooking the bay in Nendo.

The chill hut the Friars built.

Delos snugly anchored in Graciosa Bay, Nendo.

Our new Albino friend Moses!

Gotta get rid of those tan lines!

Island girl in Moses’s canoe.

Fresh water swimming hole by the Friary.

Desert for dinner night on Delos. Cookie dough base with homemade caramel filling, topped with bananas and chocolate. YUMMY!!

Reef Islands Temutu Province, Solomon Islands.

Welcoming party! Machetes are for opening us refreshing coconuts of course……

Schools on a break so all the village kids come out to see the yacht.

And of course we have a Michael Jackson Dance Party!

Paul and Josje’s adopted son.

Brady making a killer trade for a Penn size 12 reel salvaged off a wrecked sailboat!

Exploring the lagoon by dinghy.

Brian borrowing a sailing canoe.

Leaving Temutu Province sailing to Guadalcanal.

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