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Naked at Sea – By Frida

sv delos blog frida crew sailing around the world

Hello darling friends!

It’s been an intense time with new impressions adapting to a life at sea. First arriving on Delos; straight into work mode doing the Haul out, welcoming the rest of the crew and provisioning part one in Langkawi. We had been working hard trying to get the boat ready on time and then set sail towards Thailand. It was a sweet sail and kind of my first one haha. Then the rigging! Pretty insane stuff is you ask me, however the boys did an outstanding job. Us girls, well we went provisioning! 8 days later the boat was so full of stuff you could see food popping out from every cupboard and shelf. I even got chips taped under our bed, saving it for a long passage.

So here we are, just about to leave for the Andaman Islands in a few days. How did I end up here? I think to myself. With these amazing people doing my first passage traveling by sea. It’s indescribable and exciting but most of all I’m trying to inhale every moment, there are so many first timers on a boat I can’t wait to share with you. You kind of get to know the person you have become over the last few years. I have never felt more alive and peaceful all at once.

Brian introduced us to “cruisers midnight” which is 9 pm; we have all been so tired after long days of working. I’m starting to feel more in tune with the waves rocking me back and forward at night. Sailor snooze is also a new favorite time of the day. I cannot recall what day it is and we’re starting to create our own day rhythm where time has no place nor importance. I’m cleansing my body and soul with naked swims telling myself that naked at sea is the new way to be.

Being on Delos is a challenge; life at sea is simple but full of surprises and new emotions. I remember when we arrived at Lovers hole, a tiny paradise and our first stop on Thai waters. Such an adventures feeling arriving on this beautiful island, the wind truly is our organic fuel.

Anchorage in Thailand has turned out to be a tough experience with powerful swells and winds. We spent one night at Koh Lipe, which definitely was the toughest night so far. It was scary waking up in the middle of the night with the boys running up on deck. There was actually a catamaran coming towards us as their anchor was dragging. You can tell these guys have been doing this for a long time though, I definitely feel safe onboard. Brady also assured us if shit goes down, they’ve got it covered. I have a feeling he will explain this more clear during the safety onboard session.

I’m very hot in the evening so I have a nightly routine that I do. I take a quick shower and then run naked up on deck. Sometimes we put the mozzie net up so I get stuck naked in the door trying to open it. It usually creates a few laughs. Then I sit down, letting the breeze dry my skin while cooling down admiring the view from my new home. When we’re anchored close to shore I’m looking out over this neighborhood of floating homes with lights thoughtfully switch on to guide you back at night. Like a parallel world people on land never see the beauty of the ocean so close and alive. A floating home takes you to untouched places far from reality, or the true reality as you wish to see it. I feel grateful for this experience and also beginning to understand why so many of you share the dream to live on the ocean. There’s no traffic and it’s all blue. I asked Brian once what to expect from a place like Chagos, he said; “In Chagos there’s nothing and you can never expect anything from nothing. ”




Who am I? I live for expressive arts, photography, and anything you can find in nature. I know it is popular these days to invest in wall art like some photography on blocks of wood or even some panoramic acrylic prints as well, so I know that these creations will be poplar and go down a treat. My creations will hopefully make you feel apart of this adventure; drawing is my way of reliving memories, connecting with the free spirit inside. I’m an artist and usually paint with oil and spray on big canvases but since I’m living on a boat I’m sticking to pens and charcoal for now. Delos is truly the place to be for inspiration, good vibes and magical scenery. Through I create massive installations with my partner Kimberley all over the world, for us art is a creation of freedom.



There’s so much experience within the Delos crew and I’m very keen to learn the ropes around here. However on a boat they’re called lines, which was the first boat term I learned. Each of the crewmembers brings out the best in everyone and we’re already like a big family. Karin and I come from Kiruna and she is one of my dearest friends, we lived together in London many years ago. It’s awesome to finally spend some time with her as we have some major catching up to do?

How do I feel right now? I feel free and completely under the spell of the ocean, discovering shades of blue I did not even know existed. But also a bit scared since we’re soon doing a 300 miles sail which will be the longest crossing for me so far.

Is there anything you wish to know? Post a comment and I’ll try my best to cover all wonderings in my next writing moment ? The support you so openly share with Delos is inspiring in every way and I’m so happy to be apart of this worldwide friendship. I’m sure you will find the topic of my next post very interesting, let’s just say you will see the crew from a different light.

Life is now and it is vibrant.

Positive energy to you all!!

Love from Thailand,


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