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Q n A – Delos 2.0, Lithium Batteries, Money and whats next! Friday Night LIVE-ish…

Way back in 2015 we were releasing 2 episodes a month….The time between when we filmed and released them was over a year! We made the decision to work our asses off and release 1 episode every week until we got “caught up”… Well, THE TIME HAS COME!!! Its taken 3 years but here we are, currently editing footage that we shot within the last month. This means we have time to be WAY more creative, switch things up and take on new challenges!! So, every so often a Friday can now be something like this! A Live Q and A, Bonus Video, 360 video, Slow TV Episode, Boat Work, etc…The possibilities are endless!

Thanks for being there for us and inspiring us like always!

Its been a while since we’ve done a Q and A, so this Friday, we’re on it! Join us on Delos in beautiful Dominica as we answer some questions from our amazing Tribe!

We want to give a big shout out to all our patrons that inspire us and bring so much to this journey around the world. We feel so blessed to have such a big family like you! Thanks for taking the time to feed us these questions, your involvement in the project means more to us than you know.

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Some of the questions answered:

Whats next for the Caribbean Season?
Whats the progress with Delos 2.0?
When are Brian and Karin getting married?
How is our new Lithium and Induction Coocktop going?
Do we make a ton of money?
Do we have medical insurance?
How do we deal with living onboard with 6 people?
What is our process for editing our videos?
What kind of scent does Mr. Brady have after being at sea?

Subscribe to our Sailing Videos, we have 5 seasons worth!

Want to know what cameras and vlog gear we use on Delos?

Please consider supporting The Delos Project!

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