The Delos Diaries Part 24: “The Green Mountain and Lizbef’s Hangover from Hell.”

I woke the next morning with a groan. It was early and I could hear the rest of the Delos crew moving about. I prayed to God that they wouldn’t wake me. That they would leave me in bed so I could rest up from the past five days of partying, staying up late and basically being a bit of a vagabond. “Lizbef?” No, no, no! I wrapped myself further in the covers. Play dead. Play dead. Play dead! My curtain twitched but I kept my eyes closed. “Lizbef?” “Huh?” “Would you like some porridge?” It was Karin. And I knew then that I would not be spared. I would have to go on the epic hike the Delos Crew had planned. Rising up, I drank as much water I could muster in my body and sat with the others … Continue reading The Delos Diaries Part 24: “The Green Mountain and Lizbef’s Hangover from Hell.”