The Delos Diaries: Part 22 “Sunsets, Rum and Baby Turtles.”

The next morning on Malin was beautiful. Tucking into freshly made bread and honey, I sat in the cockpit contentedly with a cup of tea. “I’ve never had bread with honey,” I admitted. Shock passed over Edouard’s face. “You have never had bread with honey?” he repeated. “But how, Elizabeth?” It seemed back in England there had been a lot of things I had never tried before. I laughed, shrugged my shoulders and peered over at Delos. There was movement on deck, Brady peering over at the anchor on the bow. “Their boat has been moving,” Edouard translates for me from his crew mate Philip. “The anchor is dragging.” I watch them adjust Delos and raise my eyebrow as they start to sail. Brady waves over at me, a huge grin on his face. “We’re just going for a sail … Continue reading The Delos Diaries: Part 22 “Sunsets, Rum and Baby Turtles.”