The Delos Diaries: Part 20 “Love on Delos.”

There have been many ways I have thought about starting this sentence. I’ve started in so many ways and in different places, scenarios, maybe at the start- maybe at the end. But I had always had in my mind to start in the middle. I’m on another boat- a French boat called Malin. I’m in bed, the sunlight shining through the hatch above my head. I stretch, my limbs free with the amount of room I have. Something stirs next to me and I look to my left. Edouard. What on earth, Lizbef? I hear you say. Hey- I thought the same thing every single day since I met this person. Maybe I should start at the beginning after all. Here goes. Our passage was perfect from St Helena. The rolls were terrible but luckily Lisa and I escaped the … Continue reading The Delos Diaries: Part 20 “Love on Delos.”